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AuthorSticky situation
To me one of the greatest achievements is making a thread that becomes a sticky...

that being said, it can also be a curse.

People often just skip stickies considering it to be another blah blah blah explanation of the game rules which as far as I know of, there has never been an off game thread before the one that I made but total credit goes to Zyana and Shebali. (Sorry if I misspelled either of your names, I'm just typing without research)

I am making this thread to make attention to new comers not interested in reading game rules (which often makes you involuntarily break the rules but your still accountable cause you should have read them...I did) and bring new comers to this awesome game.

So please check out the sticky and show your support. It takes less than a minute. You can do it after a hunt, as soon as you log in, bored situations...just whatever, but it will show support and help make this game better, bigger, and if we have enough people, maybe even more events.

Hoping that these words are heeded.

Yours truly
In defiance of the Skunder signature thread
but also in a playful way
lol, happy huntings (times 328) hehe, clever clan stuff, hehe)
Why in off-game?
Zyana should be Zyanya
thank you for the correction
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