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AuthorFaction Imporvement for the sake of balancing!
Special abilities of factions listed:

Barbs:resist magical spells
Necro: More skeletions plus necromancy ability. That is 2 Abilies!
Knight: more guardians
Elves: flavoured enemy
Wizard:Basicly got 2 abilties min arts and extra damage in hunts!
Demon: Gating
And it comes down to Darkelf which had the weakest ability which is

Peirce magic! What the heck is that?? who is that so useful??

Not to mension the extreamly low numbers of the troops...

DE is currently the weakest faction so little improvements is apprciated!

My Idea is give extra talen points for DE like 10 more points...

Any imporvement will do!
who is that so useful??
flavoured enemy

ahahahahahahah ... cinnamon lizards + spicy demons ... ahahahahah
Nah. It doesn't work like this.

You're saying "DE is currently the weakest faction". If you'd be a knight, you'd say "knight is currently the weakest faction" and so on...

Anyway, with barbs resisting magical spells, wizards would have no chance against them and other magic built characters of other factions. Just because they don't use magic, doesn't mean no one should use against them.
Necros already have the "necromany ability" wich means more skeletons. And they are enough too.
Knights have enough guardians that are powerful enough.
Evles. What could be their flavoured enemy? Cheese?
Wizard. Already has extra damage in hunts.
Demons. Already have gating.

So far, you suggested improvments for ALL factions wich is the same as not improving ALL factions. And those suggestions would rather make the game imbalanced instead of balanced.

That's how I see it :)
Oh, and I almost forgot

It is forbidden to create topics with suggestions to weaken/strengthen any unit, artifact, faction.
Necro has the ability to raise skeletons numbers and 'raise' its army without any side affects!
As darksooth said ^
It is forbidden to create topics with suggestions to weaken/strengthen any unit, artifact, faction.

Faction Imporvement for the sake of balancing!
closed by Pang (2010-04-25 07:06:43)
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