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Author#647 The Pernicious Slayers
Long ago, in a time where people had to watch their own backs, there was a small alliance of the most powerful warriors, who moved around the globe hunting what we believe to be mythical creatures- Griffins, Unicorns, Gargoyles, and everything inbetween. After many years of slaying, the warriors grew bored of these creatures. No matter how many they slew, the creatures continued to show up. After speaking to the one warrior mage, only then did the warriors realise what they needed to do. Their only way for glory was to fight more numerous quantities of stronger creatures, but first, these warriors would need to become much stronger.
At first, the warriors were unsure what to do, so they began recruiting new members to their once small alliance. It seemed that the more people who joined, the more the people who wanted to join. Now, the slayers began to concider themselves a tribe of warriors, one far greater even than the spartans. As they grew in numbers, the tribe masters realized something; their warriors equipment was fading and growing unwearable. Many of their troops were beginning to pass away because of some of the conciderably small creatures they fought. They needed new equipment, better gear, but in the new world they lived in, the only way for that was through trade.
At once, the tribe recruiters realized what they must do- they would charge each new member a protection fee. If somebody wanted to join the tribe, they must pay 6000 gold pieces. This way they could each get brand new gear. Keep in mind, the tribe recruiters were hansomely payed- they had a 50% commision off the gross income of each recruit. Because of this, the tribe grew exponentially beyond belief, but the once warrior based alliance had become more of a city of people. Rather than hunting, they continued to recruit and buy new gear, but the gear was idle. After many years, the tribe became one of the most economically wealthy tribes in all of lordswm. With 900 members, the tribe had a new renowned glory, and again began hunting, more than ever before. These warriors were able to accomplish many things, but in a great battle against an army formed by all factions, they were defeated, never to reappear again, until now...
As the slayers emerged, they quickly realized they were again a small alliance of warriors, but they also remembered through tales form they're grandfathers exactly how they were to build their strong tribe once again. These few warriors began to recruit and rebuild their economy- and now they are able to use a vast web called the forums to help them out. These few warriors have been and will always be the founding fathers of a clan formed by one of their leaders, The Pernicious Slayers. So, if you would like to become a descendant of this once great tribe, message one of our recruiters and forever be known as a Pernicious Slayer.
We are currently looking for a clan enchanter. PM me with details :D
[Post deleted by moderator Erebes // On players request .]
On May 1st, which is concidered the anniversary of our game server and the Pernicious Slayers tribe, our clan will be recruiting 20 new members for only 500 gold per person. The recruiters of our guild will still make 3k per recruit! Those who join for a cost of 500 gold will not be able to make any recruitments until May 2nd, however, if you join before then you will be able to recruit on may 1st for an outstanding profit. If you want to get in on the fun, the join cost is 6k. Please pm any of the recruiters or TheMarsh to join or for more information :)
Now recruiting for 500 gold per person for a limited time! Happy anniversary!!! :)
Welcome to our newest member " TheSilentKiller "
The Pernicious Slayers are now looking for experienced clan leaders to help the clan grow and develop. Anybody who can help organize clan tournaments, start things such as clan roulette, etc. Pm me what you can do and you may get an all expences payed join, and perhaps even some pay or "gifts" from myself if whatever you do brings gold for clan funds.

Also recruiting strong group battlers with good win to loss ratios above level 5 for only the invitation cost of 500 gold. PM me and i will check out your combats etc :)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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