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Author2nd Anniversary
The palace had been abuzz with noise and excitement now for quite a few days. Deliveries and messengers ran in and out of the great gates, but no other person was given admittance to the grand structure.

It was a strange thing to consider, but this was more an indication of some upcoming event than a parade of stomping golems marching down Merchant’s Road.

At last the massive doors swung open with a great sound. As they did, a display of wizardly skill exploded off of the front spires of the walls. Into the sky the magicians’ magic raced then burst open with a great sound, sparkling and fizzing all the while as they fell to the earth. The inhabitants of the Great Capital turned their heads heavenward, with stunned and awed expressions. As they looked on, they saw the messengers scramble out from the palace doors, each with bright colorful clothes, wearing jester’s hats, and with jingling bells and horns to gather the attention of all. It seemed a celebration in itself.

As the messengers made their way throughout the crowding streets, they nailed and posted scrolls throughout the capital; while others left the city altogether, heading off to spread the news to the surrounding regions of the Empire.

The people of the Empire crowded around the scrolls, but even as they did a voice sounded over the palace walls. They looked as one to the voice, seeing the Empress standing in as dignified and yet jovial a gown as the best seamstresses in all the Empire could imagine. Her voice, amplified by a magical spell reiterated what the scrolls revealed.

She began, “Citizens of the Empire! Friends and Lords! I wish to be the first to announce the upcoming festivities, a time to remember and to look to the past of our great achievements – a celebration of our Empire’s birth!”

A roar of cheers and clapping erupted from throughout the city.

As it died away the Empress began once more. “With this time of merriment upon us, you will find great changes throughout the Empire – a little gift to you for all your hard work and loyalty to our nation. We have put together quite an event for you this year, including spells similar to last year which will keep your artifacts from becoming destroyed, temporary quicker army restoration, a new tournament to celebrate the occasion, a free gift to all citizens, and much much more.”

Again the crowd exploded into great sound, their cheers and screams of joy could be heard throughout the Great Capital. Many began whispering about the upcoming events and what this tournament might include. Others imagined being able to use their artifacts once more without causing destruction to them. Still others wondered what gift the Empire would offer.

Eventually the voice of the Empress brought all their attention back upon Her, and with a wide smile She continued, “I leave you to discuss and prepare for the upcoming events. Please, make sure to check the scrolls to see all that this event beholds. And most importantly, enjoy this time of merriment and festivity as we celebrate a new year of our Empire!”

Upon reading the scroll you find the following written:

As the celebration begins, the Empress grants every Lord the following:

- Artifacts do not lose durability!
- Frequency of hunts increased by 50%!
- Frequency of mercenary guild quests increased by 50%!
- Frequency of thief ambushes increased by 50%!
- Health and mana regeneration increased by 40%!
- New tournament: 1st Mixed Tournament! (no durability loss throughout the entire tournament)
- Heroic achievements introduced!
- Lord may choose 1 present of 3 options!
- New creature portraits introduced!

Glory to the Empress!

Happy Birthday, Empire!
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