07-21-09 15:46: Received 5000 Gold from MegaKnight
Those 5000 gold were acquired through illegal transfers and send to darkclaws.
08-03-09 11:36: Received 8807 Gold from Sword_MasterTI : loan for clan.(me mod of clan)
This loan was never returned.
08-11-09 21:20: Received 5000 Gold from WitchHunter : Credit for 6 days
Never returned..
08-14-09 20:34: Received 12000 Gold from SirPocok : loan
01-01-10 21:11: Received 10000 Gold from SirPocok : Loan (for 3 weeks)
03-16-10 21:23: Transferred 20000 Gold to SirPocok : loan payed
Received 22 000 but only returned 20 000
09-09-09 00:06: Received 2500 Gold from Yamiyu :
Never returned..
03-15-10 21:09: Received 40000 Gold from Ektoras : Loan 1 month
05-10-10 16:13: Transferred 40000 Gold to Ektoras : Loan returned. Thanks friend:)
Loan returned after two months while there was clearly stated it should be returned in one month.
Selling a hunter broadsword for 9000 gold (his multi?)
Sold another overpriced hunter bow (to his multi?)
10-03-09 20:39: Received item(s): 'Reprisal sword' [40/40] from MithrilWarrior . Transaction price: 500 Gold
A sword way below the actual price (from his multi?) |