Author | Gift give away-underground depot |
a new forum for those beggers who are still in a low level to send a begging message to higher levels,and for those who have more arts than they can handle,so:
if you have any extra,art,element....etc.that you don`t use often place it here or PM me and every time something is placed,any begger\needer would claim a vote he have a chance to have anything that is placed,of course that is the placer accepted,or he can just leave the command to me.
so rich guys place what you have extra here
poor guys place your claim your votes
so far what is in the underground depot is:
by LWM_Dante:
MH bow 10\10
leather armor 25\25
by abdullah:
ring of inspiration 9\18
dagger of vengeance E7 0\26
Second anniversary luck pendant 10\10
NOTE:you can`t claim an art only a vote and either the art owner(or meif he appointed me) would choose the art or anything else
hurry and help the need ones,and feel the after giving remorse :) |
i vote for the dagger,if i undersant right |
I vote for the dagger. |
for abdullah:
dagger of vengeance E7 0\26 Thats mine ;) |
for Jiang_Wei:
for sry:
you can`t claim an art only a vote,then i\the art owner would decided who gets what,poorer people gets them faster
you can do better if you put some things in this small depot :) |
dagger of vengeance E7 0\26 Thats mine ;)
we both enchanted the daggers at arctic,you sold yours to me and i gifted it away
this is mine.mine i tell you :)
hurry up people.those who live in the low part of the empire needs some goods to live! |
I will give:
2x Master Hunter boots: 10/10
2x Master Hunter maskrobe: 10/10
I vote for ring of inspiration 9\18
=D |
I would like to contribute :
Master Hunter Bone Helmet - 8/10
to the underground depot. |
for diversecity:
for sry:
thanks this is very very helpful:
the depot now owns:
from LWM_dante
MH bow 10\10
leather armor 25\25
from abdullah
dagger of vengeance E7 0\26(needs more than just two claimer)
Second anniversary luck pendant 10\10
(the ring is sent to diversecity :05-22-10 15:00: Transferred item(s): 'Ring of inspiration' [9/18] to diversecity enjoy)
from diversecity :
2x Master Hunter boots: 10/10
2x Master Hunter maskrobe: 10/10
from sry:
Master Hunter Bone Helmet - 8/10
and more to be posted :) |
i vote for leather armor |
i vote in the naem of the pendant I need luk =( |
for Cover-strike:
LWM_Dante is now off line so i`ll send you one of mine,his is still to be claimed
05-22-10 15:05: Transferred item(s): 'Leather armor' [25/25] to Cover-strike
for sry:
thanks again for your arts,and you are the only one who i didn`t have to copy\paste their name :)
05-22-10 15:05: Transferred item(s): 'Second anniversary luck pendant' [10/10] to sry
Enjoy! |
for abdullah:
thx :) |
for abdullah: thx *grins* |
for diversecity:
my pleasure, |
Sorry for double post :p
I would like to contribute :
Hunter Boots - 9/9
to the underground depot. |
for sry:
my pleasure,
but remember(not for sry) there are moreplayers who need these arts much,so you don`t need to claim right away,leave them to the need ones ;) |
I vote for the MH maskrobe
I contribute:
1xGH arrows 10/10 |
i vote gh arrows
i contribute hunter shirt |
Pfft. I shld check my inventory properly -_-"
I would also like to contribute Hunter Shirt 9/9 to the needy |