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AuthorA Message about "Some Cat's Diary"
as some of you may have seen, there is a new thread in Creative Works called "Some Cat's Diary" i want to tell everybody that the original idea of it was on the russian server by a player named Krait_Dragon i just found it very amusing and funny so i translated it and changed bout 60% of it to make it a bit more funny and understandable in english language (because a lot of phrases used would only be understandable for a Russian person cause they aren't used in america) i am just saying that the diary itself wasn't my idea but it was my idea to translate it into english and change most of it.

Those who haven't seen it yet, i recomend u check it out. it is pretty funny and really rises your "Morale" ;)

it takes me about an hour to translate one post (which is pretty long) so just be patient im working on it =)
it takes me about an hour to translate one post

To translate it and then change it around is what i meant
And this is a "Discussion of game problems."?
no im just saying that im not trying to take credit for something that isn't completely my idea
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