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AuthorEdit tokens
I'm sure all of you have wanted to edit your posts in the forum before, therefore now I propose somthing new - edit tokens!
To receive edit tokens: Pay 1000 gold to the artifact shop.
I know it might seem a lot right now, but read on, later you might even want to increase the price :)
Note: Amount in stock: oo
Uses of edit tokens:
-Use it on any post you have made before and you can change that post.
Advantages of edit tokens:
-The most clear advantage is that it can edit posts, correct spelling errors, make it up to date, will be especially useful for story writers.
-It bumps the thread. Bumping means that it brings the thread to the top. This might be used on threads in the trading part of the forum, bumping the character's thread up. The person may not be banned, unless the new edited post breaks the forum rules (has flaming etc)
-You can edit a post in an outdated thread. An outdated thread is a thread that has "This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions." in red at the bottom. Upon doing so, you will edit your post, then the thread will become non-obsolete, can be posted, and bumped.
-You can edit a post in a locked thread. A lock thread is a thread with the word "Locked" at the bottom of the thread. Upon doing so, you will edit your post, then the thread will become unlocked, can be posted, and bumped.
Any (constructive) critisms? Or a +1?
-Can only be transferred as a present, like ale, no renting.
-oo means unlimited.
-Upon editing, the last edit whill be shown on the top left of the post in a smaller size, e.g. last edit made at 10:30, 2010-05-30 by ChooJeremy
-A deleted post may not be edited.
-A banned post (Definition: a post that, after being posted, is banned by a moderator) can be edit, but a moderator has to "approve" of this edit, the player cannot enter more words that would break even more forum rules.
-If a banned post is successfully edited to contain only the important points and fit into the forum rules, no flaming, the ban WILL NOT be lifted.
Well, that sounds good, but what about quote-messages? You make a post, someone quotes it and then you change. Quotes would be hard to understand after that.
And why should i cost anything? In most forums people can edit their message during the one day they posted it, but it's free. And really, 1k is much money. Those who actually would have money for it, won't do so much of spelling mistakes.
In most forums people can edit their message during the one day they posted it
Seems ok. So during the exact day they posted it (accoding to lwm time) they can edit it for free, no tokens required.
If it becomes free, then what about all the advantages listed? Removed?
Well, that sounds good, but what about quote-messages? You make a post, someone quotes it and then you change. Quotes would be hard to understand after that.
Other forums have this problem too. I've thought of it, but have no suggestion for it. However, since the posts above will show that edits have been made, hopefully the person will understand.
it might seem a lot right now

yes it is XD
A lock thread is a thread with the word "Locked" at the bottom of the thread. Upon doing so, you will edit your post, then the thread will become unlocked, can be posted, and bumped.

-1 for this :)

Re-posting makes it faster and simpler. I do not see any merits as to how your idea will contribute to the game. Additionally, the ability to bump and unlock a locked thread is just simply ridiculous, especially if its a post locked by mods for undesirable content.
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