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AuthorI'm Russiun
I want to know how you (foreigners) to treat us. Although there is quite a lot of Russian, in addition to Russian server and here we climb :)
Russians are huge men, in coats who dance with bear and drink vodka? :p
Joking : )
I treat you as simple people, I don't see difference betwen you and, for example, americans : )
for Long_Shot:

Pravilno.Prosto, some the impression that on the streets, walking bears in the cap and play the balalaika)
But I am translating an interpreter. What then can be incomprehensible to explain. But I hope you understand.
Topics such that in addition with our less-active admins give a certain vision about you Russians...
But yeah, you're just simple people, though it's hard to communicate with you. Your letters can't be even wrote by our computers :S
for Penguinmaniac:

What specifically expressed difficulty communicating with us?
Mostly that most of you didn't speak English :S
for Penguinmaniac:

Are you saying that you know how to speak Russian? :)If not, then no one bothered you do this, just like my english
Thus you see the barrier right?
[Post deleted by moderator EROCS // ]
[Player banned by moderator EROCS until 2010-06-23 10:07:06 // Insults.]
Are you saying that you know how to speak Russian? :)If not, then no one bothered you do this, just like my english

Onekill, there's a LITTLE difference between those two languages....
There are about 275 million people speaking Russian (Wikipedia-information)....
But at a quess there are about 1-2 billion people speaking English as their main/second language....
That's the difference ;)
Onekill, there's a LITTLE difference between those two languages....
There are about 275 million people speaking Russian (Wikipedia-information)....
But at a quess there are about 1-2 billion people speaking English as their main/second language....
That's the differenc

The whole point is that English is the international language and easy. But this does not mean that other languages, albeit difficult, for better or worse English.
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