Author | Defeated necromancer caravan but lost ONE SHREW only. |
I defeated necromancer caravan (192 vapire counts, 231 vampires, 194 ghosts) without enchanted arts but lost ONE SHREW only.
07-06-10 20:10:
This is the best way to defeated necromancer caravan if there are not skeleton bowmen or liches. |
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Off-game forum". |
What do you mean by that? |
192 vapire counts
do u mean 192 zombies ?? |
Zombies deal 40 damage to Shrews. 3 perish.
Vampires deal 129 damage to Shrews. 8 perish.
Ghosts deal 52 damage to Lizard assailants. 1 perish.
Ghosts deal 79 damage to Shrews. 5 perish.
What do you mean by that?
It's called "joyful drunkenness". Just don't drive after your battles, and everything will be all right... ;P |
sorry. I was wrong. I will correct. |
closed by darkelf84 (2010-07-07 09:59:51) |