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Author-->> Sentence Game <<--
called the Ooz of ...
mount mykobou
created by Doc Peritofi from ...
the castle of the potatoes called 'The Potato Throne'
which was destroyed under heavy rain
and flood
just like in flooding forum ^^
which makes
all the places around the castle wet
so The Potato King took action and
his friend qio suddenly appear
he was kidnapped by the ghosts in the haunted castle
and was saved by -_NO--NAME_- as he killed them with his stunning blow and
but it was a trap
and they all were stuck with now way out
and Nobodiez killed Qio and -_NO--NAME_-, cuz they were weak
but ...
goku_30 rise them and they become friends with no bodies ;)
and ...
Goku_30 made a multi named Eroshik
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