I have been very long time playing this game .. and I see that all factions depend on the Tier-2 as their strikers .. :)
1. Knights : Show me which knights that do not need X-bow as their strikers, many players think that Griffins are the strikers, but X-bowmen always deal more damages than griffins
2. Dark Elves : SHREWS --> Sure, only "STUPID" DE that do not need Shrews
3. Wizards : Gargs (Enchanted), They need them to strike and survive, their numbers are great
4. Necros : Infected Zombies are surely better than Skelies bowmen
5. Barbs : The triple-strikes Men .. Yeahh .. they do awesome damages
6. Demons : The Inflamers --> They are hard to die and always survive longer
7. Elves : Do not say they do not want any upgrades of the Forest Keepers ^^
So, ur opinions ? |