Check this screenshot. A level 5 player was offering 500 gold for any level 4 player who could beat him:
It got me suspicious enough to check this transfer log:
where I found -
09-03-10 03:57: Transferred 500 Gold to crapbutt
So I looked up his combat log, where I found that at level 4 he'd fought this crapbutt character (who was level 3) on a similar bet of 500 gold.
Here's their combat conversation:
[crapbutt]: 500 gold or i ban u i can cause my cuz is a mod
[ryo2]: yeah
See the entire thing here.
Way I look at it, they BOTH broke the rules. The receiver of the money knew the bet was illegal but accepted the combat anyway and then proceeded to blackmail him into paying up.
And someone needs to check if Crapbutt really has a cousin who's a mod, because if he's abusing his mod privileges for his cousin's blackmail, I'm probably gonna be next on his list. |