09-18-10 16:06: Transferred element(s): 'Viper venom' 2 pcs. to ZhauZhiLong . Transaction price: 2100 Gold: 2*1050
09-18-10 16:06: Transferred element(s): 'Witch bloom' 9 pcs. to ZhauZhiLong . Transaction price: 4500 Gold: 9*500
09-18-10 16:06: Transferred element(s): 'Abrasive' 6 pcs. to ZhauZhiLong . Transaction price: 3000 Gold: 6*500
09-18-10 15:58: Transferred element(s): 'Fire crystal' 4 pcs. to ZhauZhiLong . Transaction price: 14800 Gold: 4*3700
09-18-10 15:57: Transferred element(s): 'Windflower' 5 pcs. to ZhauZhiLong . Transaction price: 32000 Gold: 5*6400
09-18-10 15:56: Transferred element(s): 'Toadstool' 5 pcs. to ZhauZhiLong . Transaction price: 1750 Gold: 5*350
09-18-10 15:54: Transferred element(s): 'Meteorite shard' 8 pcs. to ZhauZhiLong . Transaction price: 28800 Gold: 3600*8
Fern flower: 1*12700
Ice crystal: 4*5900 |