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Everything about Elf - Recruiting,Talents and others.


AuthorEverything about Elf - Recruiting,Talents and others.
for SmS:
Or you could defend with the main stack and wait with the single EFK.
i think basic fortune and rain of arrow is great at hunt and group battle
advance fortune will be greater if u do it on duel
hope that help
for qio:

thnks fr advice :)
Attack +9
Defence +2
Spell Power 0
Knoledge +1

Reached level 8.
Where to put the point and why ?
put it in attack - it's what elves do best

if you want to have 2 raise dead then put it in knowledge

I don't recommend spell power or defence
I'm lvl 10 elf. I have built the magic guild and put 4 points in knowledge. Still I can't summon phantoms. What is wrong. Can anyone help me figure this out?
you need basic nature in order to use lv3 spells.

in general, you need basic/adv/expert mastery and magic guild level 3/4/5 to cast level 3/4/5 spells
Thanx Pang, it worked.
which talent is bttr for lvl 8
Expert luck
but i think advance luck and rain of arrows is better in hunts and basic defence,avoidance n basic luck is better in gbs
what is the best combination of army in lvl 5?
For GBs:
Max forest keepers,elven bowmen,druids

For hunts:
You will need keepers for most hunts but against slow creatures max sprites.
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