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Author22nd Survival Tournament Results
I don't think medals appear yet. Takes a while for all the results to be processed.
Amount of attempts: 7 (2)
Highest score: 87660

best level 9 score of all 22 tourneys :D
i am first:)
Congrats to all winners.
1st as knight and 1st as barb , but one guy trying to beat me :))
Wow !!!!

I'm the third place in level 9 necromancer :)
3 hours of work lead to the first place (lvl 11 DE). Quick play would result in the third place.
im 4th and descordia is 3th but she's blocked.
shouldnt she be removed f rom winners lsit and shouldnt i get 3th price?
for vikonn:

omg well done
u r a mile ahead frm them :D
well done ;)

can anyone know
when we will get medal and gold fr tourney :))
between wednesday and friday
how % of money we get for 1,2,3,places?
1. #365Quephalash 261758
2. Laco24 187740
3. #183Nottingham 181569
4. #185LightSentinel 173975
5. #153cantbstopped 112392
6. #365naapa92 70142
7. cyberant0ny 51545
8. #181poito 45107

Competitors total: 8
Your score: 195532

I started 12:10 or 12:08... my name is not in the list, but my score?
for Sor_kann:
2nd place congratz
Number 1 for level 10 barb. I only joined the tournament to run as a knight to get some cheap FSP using min arts.

I even did the 2 goes as a barbarian not reading the forum on the waves. I did do full arts as I was trying, but I didn't expect 1st. I have to be happy with that.
Wow, I'm third for level 6 barbarian.
Oh no, not again... 1st place. Second try... Wizards, where are you??? :(
When we will get our prizes ????????????????????
2nd place as de
When we will get our prizes ????????????????????
As usual - somewhere on Wednesday - Friday
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