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AuthorMany, MANY illegal transfers
There's a whole CHAIN of this; I haven't even been able to track it all down yet.

Starts with two players "vansh" and "vansh_nagpal17"

10-06-10 11:19: Transferred 4000 Gold to vansh_nagpal17 :
09-27-10 15:30: Transferred 45000 Gold to vansh_nagpal17 :

Player ID:



Transfer Logs:



There's also a question of how "vansh" got 50k+ Gold in the first place, because he has 0 LG, no roulette winnings and is only at Combat Level 3.

He also has a level 8 account that he claims has been "hacked", called "vansh_nagpal":


More suspicious transfers there. For example, renting arts from a player called "poipoi229" for only ONE GOLD for TEN BATTLES. They check "Repairing allowed" to throw off suspicion but no repairing has taken place when the items are returned.

09-27-10 20:11: Received item(s): 'Amulet of luck' [21/25] to be returned until 28-09-10 20:11 ; for 10 battles ; (repairing allowed) from poipoi229 . Transaction price: 1 Gold
09-27-10 20:11: Received item(s): 'Sword of retribution' [15/40] to be returned until 28-09-10 20:11 ; for 10 battles from poipoi229 . Transaction price: 1 Gold
09-27-10 20:11: Received item(s): 'Defender shield' [15/40] to be returned until 28-09-10 20:11 ; for 10 battles ; (repairing allowed) from poipoi229 . Transaction price: 1 Gold

The next day:

09-28-10 01:21: Item returned: "Defender shield" [5/40] to poipoi229
09-28-10 01:21: Item returned: "Sword of retribution" [5/40] to poipoi229
09-28-10 01:21: Item returned: "Amulet of luck" [11/25] to poipoi229


09-28-10 01:28: Received item(s): 'Defender shield' [5/40] to be returned until 29-09-10 01:28 ; for 10 battles ; (repairing allowed) from poipoi229 . Transaction price: 1 Gold
09-28-10 01:28: Received item(s): 'Sword of retribution' [5/40] to be returned until 29-09-10 01:28 ; for 10 battles ; (repairing allowed) from poipoi229 . Transaction price: 1 Gold
09-28-10 01:28: Received item(s): 'Amulet of luck' [11/25] to be returned until 29-09-10 01:28 ; for 10 battles ; (repairing allowed) from poipoi229 . Transaction price: 1 Gold

09-28-10 02:54: Item returned: "Sword of retribution" [4/40] to poipoi229
09-28-10 02:54: Item returned: "Amulet of luck" [10/25] to poipoi229
09-28-10 02:54: Item returned: "Defender shield" [4/40] to poipoi229

And so on and so forth, for several pages.

Also a bunch of undeclared transfers of gold and resources.

Transfer log:


Player ID of poipi229:


And his transfer log:


There's more. Gonna need another post.
[Player banned by moderator Lexa until 2010-10-21 06:52:16 // Flood logs of transfers]
I looked a bit further to find out if they were just friends loaning each other, or if the unlabelled transfers were just the actual rent for the artifacts being paid.

It wasn't, and I found MORE transactions, this time with a player called "hitmanz66" (https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4793805), all labelled like this:

09-25-10 23:02: Transferred 328 Gold 2 Gems 2 Crystals to vansh_nagpal : there my friend will give you the rest
09-25-10 21:18: Transferred 1000 Gold to vansh_nagpal : just take it
09-25-10 19:52: Received 1300 Gold 1 Ore 1 Wood from vansh_nagpal : dont want it
09-25-10 19:49: Transferred 1396 Gold 1 Ore 1 Wood to vansh_nagpal :


More transfers from a player called "0o0_o0o_0o0" (https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4796275)

That player only has two transfers in his log:

09-27-10 02:59: Transferred 12893 Gold to vansh_nagpal :
09-27-10 02:59: Received 7651 Gold from XCD187 :


And who exactly is "XCD187"?


Someone who, again, has only a one transaction in his log:

09-27-10 02:59: Transferred 7651 Gold to 0o0_o0o_0o0 :


I thought that was it, but I checked one more page of vansh_nagpal, and THERE I hit the bomb:

09-17-10 04:06: Received 2081 Gold from nagpal_vansh17 :
09-17-10 04:05: Received 1479 Gold from nagpal_vansh :
09-17-10 04:00: Received 5534 Gold 15 Ore from vansh_nagpal17 :
09-17-10 03:53: Received 909 Gold from vansh17 :
09-17-10 03:51: Received 1628 Gold from vansh1995 :
09-17-10 03:48: Received 1969 Gold from vansh95 :
09-11-10 10:37: Received 609 Gold from nagpalvansh :
09-11-10 10:37: Received 631 Gold from nagpal_vansh17 :
09-11-10 10:36: Received 688 Gold from nagpal_vansh :
09-11-10 10:35: Received 852 Gold from vansh95 :
09-11-10 10:35: Received 860 Gold from vansh1995 :
09-11-10 10:35: Received 323 Gold from vansh17 :
09-11-10 10:34: Received 375 Gold from vansh_nagpal17 :
09-11-10 07:26: Received 300 Gold from vansh17 :
09-10-10 05:17: Received 385 Gold from vansh_nagpal17 :

New characters "vansh17", "vansh95", "vansh1995", "nagpal_vansh", "nagpal_vansh17", all transferring to the same person.

Repeated transfers from and to a character named "Andre3000" also got more frequent in the log

Log to above transfers:


Transfers to Andre3000 were marked "loan" or some variation of it. Also this:

09-16-10 08:52: Transferred element(s): 'Toadstool' 6 pcs. to Andre3000 . Transaction price: 1 Gold: I am leaving and ur the first characer that thought have have fun

Andre's account leads to more ulabelled transfer from a character "kaal007", who's ben getting support from "dragoneo"....



I can't even keep it straight anymore. Good luck sorting the whole mess out.

In summary, three things -

One: "vansh" was the earliest account, registered at 8-14-08 10:02:. ALL the other vansh-variants came after that. If you can check his invitation program, I'm pretty sure you'll find he invited the rest of his namesakes, which is how he must've earned the 50k without any LG or combat.

Two: most of the money, after a truly insane amount of laundering, goes to "vansh_nagpal" (https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4568092) and "vansh_nagpal17", which are the only two accounts of or above Combat Level 6.

Look at all the multichar support:


Three: vansh_nagpal, poipoi229, and hitmanz66 have recently begun transactions with another player, "Necromant_sasha".


These new transactions coincidentally started after Necromant_sasha posted a message in the forum revealing his password to public, presumably as he was leaving the game. The password sharing has been documented by a ban:


These players've taken illegal transfers to a whole new level. PLEASE take appropriate action.
my friend lordswm12 registered a complain against them and the whole vansh gang has been blocked but poipoi229,Necromant_sasha and hitmanz66 are still unblocked.
closed by Lexa (2010-10-14 10:51:01)
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