Author | DARK ELF faction - all about |
I made this new topic because the old it's closed.
I want to know the best talents for lvl 11 DE and what do you consider to be the minimal AP and full arts for a Might DE lvl 11? |
Can anybody share the tips on thieving in min AP on lvl 10 with mighty DE?
I use battle fury + basic luck and recruite max shrews, max minos, 9 hydras and 5 lizs.
But can you also recommend how to arrange them during the battle? I tried to devide shrews, but failed. I know DE are pretty good in thieving, but I totally suck in it :( |
Sorry i can't help you on thieving because i have never done it myself.
I just want to poit out that i was refering to mighty DE lvl 11 (not 10) and that we can choose some more talents. |
to #2
I used to chose battle fury + basic luck too (for my ru char), but i think a better choise is rally with some luck, since you will have 10 more shrews with one extra moral :). As for troops/placement it depends on caravan or what you like more liz or minos. |
for crys41:
thanks, mate!
i try out the rally, but how to put shrews properly? if to the corner - they can't really reach anybody, if closer - they just get killed in 1-2 turns :( |
Rally is the best choice since u can stay longer in the battlefield, especially against Caravan of DE and Wiz coz they have a lot of chaos magic .. :)
For shrews split into 3 - 4 stacks .. they will always die first, but still hard to reach them at the first turn .. :) Make sure they have enough morales and lucks, so they can do a lot of damages while they are still on the battlefield .. :) |
Is adv fortune+battle fury a good choice for level 10?I switched from adv off+fury+cold blade. |
For #7
I prefer the expert offense + battle fury myself. exchange the battle fury with tactics against ranged opponents. |
Which is better basic erudition or basic offense? |
Which is better basic erudition or basic offense? |
it is better to take the intruder on the 7th level? |
I use basic offence + basic fortune + rally, and i take max shrews, max hydras, 2-3 bandits (for take retail), 40 minos and 4-5 darkwitchs. No liz cavalery
I do only hunt and mercenary quests.
When they are shooters, i take tactics instead of basic fortune. And i don't take bandits but max minos(more place for separate shrews). |
Plzz give me ur ideas to kill them .. :) Hard to avoid the dragon and hard to avoid the spikes .. :) |
Any ideas plzz to kill them in one attempt ? thx a lot .. :) |
i think i am strong |