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Author#653 Stay Thirsty My Friends
(locked the other thread because it didn't have the clan number listed)

You knew it would come to this, didn't you?

If you want to join an adult clan and do not get easily offended by politically incorrect talk, PM me and I will send out an invitation if you qualify. 500 gold is all we ask. Do not send gold until you are approved.

No cheaters will be accepted into the clan so don't waste your time asking.

If you have tender eyes and get offended easily, don't apply because some of my clan mail will be x-rated.

The stories you read at Uncle Modi's Tavern are of course censored for the forum, not so in this clan.

Stay thirsty my friends
The bad boys club is growing. Brave enough to add your name to the list?


Stay thirsty my friends
We are politically incorrect. We leave our feelings at the clubhouse door. We use language that would make a convicts uneasy. We LOVE to profile applicants. Diversity? We don't believe in diversity!

Welcome fellow hooligans!


Having a good time talking about....wouldn't you like to know? ;)

Stay thirsty my friends
A new group of dirtbags just joined the clan:


It's getting WAY out of hand in here! You probably aren't cool enough to join us but it ain't against the law to ask.

Stay thirsty my friends
Added another lowlife to the list:


There is nothing like being able to exercise uncensored speech in a game where you must watch every word you type. What a great time we are having in the clubhouse!
[Player banned by moderator Arctic until 2010-11-09 12:07:11 // Correcting last unrighteous ban.]
One more vagabond finds his way to our den of iniquity.


Ask any of our members if they are having a good time here and they will tell you YES! The muzzles we wore for so long are tossed away and we speak like free men should be able to. The rest of you...enjoy your chains!

Stay thirsty my friends

Nothing quite like freedom of speech! "They can take our lives...but they can never take....OUR FREEDOM!"

Join us and get a taste of what it's like to speak your mind with no fear of a ban.

Stay thirsty my friends
Many knocks at the clubhouse door but so far we turned away most because they never made it past the second question of the interview.

We don't want drones here, we only want jackwagons!

Those fortunate enough to be in the club are thankful they can write whatever they wish. Very entertaining mail is sent every day and we are having a great time.

Are you a jackwagon like us? If you think you may be, send me a PM and I will grill you to find out the answer.

Stay thirsty my friends
[Post deleted by moderator Arctic // Don't cross the border. Forum rules apply to this thread.]
Poor you. You would like to be part of the clan but aren't cool enough to hang out with us.

So many have failed the interview as it tells me right away if you are like us or not.

Stay thirsty my friends
sure thing,i dont need sympathy but thnx.
[Player banned by moderator Barbarian-Fishy until 2010-11-04 06:53:17 // 1 bump every 24 hours]
Tired of forum bans for speaking your mind? Join the only clan on the server where you can say ANYTHING you want!

All members get herald ability.

Stay thirsty my friends
The only place on the server where free speech is allowed is right here!

Outsiders, your chains are heavy, I know but...we don't really care :P

Membership to the most exclusive clan on the server is not closed, but it sure is hard to obtain.

We love to pollute the environment. We love profiling. We love insulting each other. We love to have a good time.

This is a true "gentleman's club." Accept no imitations.

Stay thirsty my friends
Another homeless loser has found his way to our clubhouse:


There is no other clan like ours on this server. Members enjoy conversation that would make people's hair stand on end.

Anyone joining and found to be a fake, will be evicted immediately in disgrace.

Stay thirsty my friends
can i join 0:) (i know u'd say no) ! !ha ha
[Player banned by moderator Queen_Amanda until 2010-11-11 13:18:26 // Local rule 6.7]
closed by Modi (2010-12-13 13:11:24)
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