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AuthorNew AFKer system
SO, if somebody AFKs his/her troops woul´d not die, but instead be controlled by AI. AFKer would not get any experience, even if he wins and would lose 2 art durability. What do you think?
first part ok but for the second think about lost of connection
Well, they should think before playing so +1 man its very good
+1 i play this game from the start of this server,i got 1 real connection problem :(

by doing ambush i see lot of player afk ,cause wen we travel ,we do somthing else , so like i say

+1 :)
You would think afk is something that happens to low levels, but afk is just as bad at high levels, BUT.. only for ambushing. GBs and the rest, AFKers are very rare.

If you look at my logs, almost 50% of those times I got ambushed, the thief went afk or took like the full 5 (or whatever) minutes to set his/her troops. They would later return the gold, together with an apology message.

I don't really blame them coz ambushes can take forever to trigger at high levels, and I don't expect everyone to sit an hour in front of their PCs waiting for one to trigger. I don't blame them really coz they are probably expecting a caravan, and don't mean to keep the human victim waiting.

So..... +1 to AI controlling afk troops, but -1 to losing 2 dura.
Ok, losing 2 durability wont work, i admit it...
Well said Jeddy.

But look at it this way:
If AI defeats you does the player deserve that win when hes afk or do you deserve to loose to a player thats afk..

AFK is an unsolvable problem,and this had already benn suggested.

If AI defeats you does the player deserve that win
no he does not, give him old afk punishment, 0 fsp, -2 luck etc.

or do you deserve to loose to a player thats afk..

well if one lose to AI, playing only with a players troops, not a caravan.... there should be a lesson there :p

imo, this is a good idea which needs some refinement, especialy for thief ambushes.

instead of getting defeat you lose control of your troops;)
Hi, I believe if we advocate harsher penalties for AFK, a genuine AFK (conn lost, power failure etc) would also suffer...
I admit i have been afk 3 or 4 times myself... once Chrome was not able to load the battle , after multiple tries i tried explorer which did load the battle but by that tome i was afk... was it my Fault ? ... well it may be debatable... but there was no intention of being afk... so even i would feel bad if the penalties were harsher ....

BUT we can have a change to protect the interest of the non AFK party...

So as i understand,
1. AFK gets same punishment as before ...
2. Non AFK gets to play with AI controlled troops...

I would also like to suggest that in this case , The player is almost sure to win... AI is not very I ;) AND player has moved 5 times (approx) before the AI gets to control the Afk troops AND chances are AI troops have no pre-combat placement advantages..

So this battle may be treated as a hunt... i.e. less exp and FSP and perhaps some HG points ?(to rationalize for a almost sure win)

Of course this would work only in duels.... for GB's a more refined balancing system would be required...

Another injustice is when someone asks for Hunt assists and then goes afk... in that case one who fights and wins the battle should get all the benefits as if it was his hunt ( in terms of HG pts and gold) ?

Pl note i have not mentioned about ambushing ... thats because i am not qualified to do so ( having only a vague idea as to what it really is).. so over to higher level players

Yuvika :)
If you miss 5 turns whether you are coming back or not your troops are defeated! so it doesn't hurt if com controles it after you wait for 5 turns:D
Yeah it's like your troops go self controlled (just like when you drink Ale)


Better than most ideas suggested! :) Would be even better if afker gets a substantial amount of negative exp. (SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNT. NOT TOO MUCH! lol!)

You can't tell when your internet will loose connection.

@3 somtimes the weather may seem fine but out of the blue lightning may strike n u'll b forced to off yr modem or risk getting it burnt....
tis type of things happen quite often where i live......
its jz nt fair to get a harsh punishment when u afk unintentionally....
+1 to giving troops to AI. Its one of the best ideas I ever have heard. -1 to durabilty loss because sometimes, there are problems of connections.
+1 good idea (AI is easy to kill LOL)
+1 it is a good idea, would be good if admins considered it.

first it has to be introduced in the russian server
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