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Authorowing more than 20.000*combat level
he is level 12 which means he can ow 240.000 to others.

Here are just some of the loans that i can't see has been returned. It is way above 240.000.

So please stop this guy from ripping off more people!

11-26-10 18:14: Received 5000 Gold from KeXx7 : 1 week
11-20-10 18:58: Received 30000 Gold from Baloo-the-Bear : loan 2 weeks -good luck-
11-14-10 20:54: Received 30000 Gold from DjZKI : loan for 2 weeks! 20k+30k=50k total.
11-14-10 19:37: Received 20000 Gold from DjZKI : loan for 7 days !
11-14-10 12:17: Received 40000 Gold from Mirrion : On credit
11-13-10 07:47: Received 3000 Gold from SladurAna : Load for tourney - 1 mont
11-12-10 22:00: Received 2500 Gold from Ryla : dolg
11-12-10 13:11: Received 10000 Gold from vishnus : Total charge: 10100- Return that much in 7 days
11-07-10 13:49: Received 10000 Gold from MaxeD : Another loan, including last 120k Total
11-03-10 17:27: Received 40000 Gold from Reziden : return the loan in a week....:)
11-08-10 13:18: Transferred 30000 Gold to Reziden, Commission charged: 300 : To get debt, 20k must

11-02-10 19:14: Received 10000 Gold from Reziden : return the loan with 100 charges in a week...;)
11-01-10 08:10: Received 10000 Gold from Beovulf : dolg
10-31-10 16:28: Received 10000 Gold from ihateu : 1 week!!!!=]
10-31-10 12:51: Received 10000 Gold from motrun : loan for a week
10-28-10 20:11: Received 5000 Gold from koloja :
10-28-10 09:32: Received 5000 Gold from adriver : loan for 2 days
10-27-10 20:31: Received 5000 Gold from Lukca : loan
10-27-10 20:24: Received 10000 Gold from Lukca : loan
10-25-10 13:17: Received 10000 Gold from TheDarkQueen : loan for 3 days
10-15-10 20:16: Received 1000 Gold from Reziden : LOan....
08-06-10 11:14: Received 10000 Gold from umsal : credit pust tebe toge povezet ;)
08-05-10 20:29: Received 10000 Gold from umsal : credit
07-28-10 14:39: Received 15000 Gold from illyok : loan on week
07-28-10 14:39: Received 15000 Gold from Kind_Knight : For something :)
05-16-10 20:41: Received 20000 Gold from www1980 : clan loan for a few weeks.
05-11-10 05:10: Received 50000 Gold from Route66 : loan
05-10-10 16:52: Received 20000 Gold from Cash : dolg do 17.05.10
from my transfer log:

10-31-10 12:51: Transferred 10000 Gold to hostels, Commission charged: 100 : loan for a week

Still no repayment. Let him pay twice as much... to our Empress))
12-05-10 10:35: Received 500 Gold from pila943 : loan, 3 days
12-05-10 10:30: Received 2970 Gold from hunter : loan

more loans... none of those above have been repaid yet..
3.14. There are limits for transfers intended as presents or loans. Maximum size of debt that can be owed to all other players in total is 20,000 * [Combat level] gold. The maximum term for loans is 1 month, unless the comments to the transfers state a shorter period.
closed by Arctic (2010-12-08 15:36:15)
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