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Authorvoice of chaos
well every person has something to say ether they keep it quiet or speak to the stars

some rally people into unreasonable actions some it a organized groups

some say whats actually happening even if its good or bad will eventuly destroy us or save us

we all reveal part of our selves

some speak of the future in blind ways some speaks of unity some make heretic groups

what is our real voice?
one that will end up destroying the world as we know it
comment on what i wrote
what is our real voice?

Not even ourselves know ;)
what is our real voice?
our real voice is "WHY" in what ever language you usded to use

why? couriosity is our main problem, is the mother of all knowledge...
why? everthing you see can be start with what and end up with why?
why? why? why? why? never end.... and still why?

good or bad, there is no a fix answer, is depend on who is the judge and how you answer the "why"

so don't ask me why our real voice is "why"
you knew the answer, you just want a confirm or some other people have the same point of view with you...

btw, why one that will end up destroying the world as we know it ?

whysome speak of the future in blind ways some speaks of unity some make heretic groups ?

why we all reveal part of our selves?

why some say whats actually happening even if its good or bad will eventuly destroy us or save us ?

why some rally people into unreasonable actions some it a organized groups ?

and why every person has something to say ether they keep it quiet or speak to the stars ?

why? voice of chaos?
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2008-2025, online games LordsWM