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AuthorCulmination point
The situation in the Empire had escalated a lot over the last few days. The festivities organized by the Demon councilor that were so welcomed by the Lordship in the first days were clouded by the sinister gray veil of the rebellion that slowly dragged over the Grand Capital. The clatter of weapons and screams of the injured could be distinctly heard even in the Court Hall, having by that moment captured the entire Empire. The lords that were unanimous only a week ago, became now divided into two opposing camps, battling each other for the cause each of them considered right.

The daily reunion that was to take place in the hall was to be held with only four representatives. Councilor Thutkra was standing vigil at the Palace with his Behemoths at command. Councilor Feurlis, obeying the latest directive from Her Majesty, was guarding the dungeon where Herald Arctic, recently detained for crimes of dubious gravity, was kept awaiting his trial. Finally, Councilor Bilir had sent a short note claiming he would skip the Court meeting as he was working in the Academy. His note said he had a sudden idea about Her Majesty's malady that required immediate research to check, but could not share details at that point.

The knight veteran and both elves were already present, awaiting for Arabat to join them.

"What do you make of the whole situation, fellow Councilors?" Lady Quetlisse spoke calmly, predisposing for a peaceful reasonable conversation.

"I have noticed that Her Majesty is regaining Her strength" Kh'Everst observed. "She was active a lot, and the traces of the malady seem to retreat. Bilir's medicine must have had sudden effect as she feels so much more energy in Herself now."

"It's only partial truth." Lady Quetlisse objected. "After such outbursts of activity Her Majesty often locks Herself in the Bedchamber and stays inside for long periods of time recovering. I guess such activity still costs Her a lot of effort..."

"What about the decisions Her Majesty has made in the last days?" Kh'Everst asked cautiously. The councilors looked at each other with understanding before continuing.

"Indeed, even though it is not proper to question Her deeds, the latest activities arise questions among the entire population of the Empire. Judge the Herald because of a little bureaucratic error in the Imperial Registry? If Her Majesty wanted to impend the wrath of the Twin Gods on the Empire, that would be a perfect way to. After all, everyone knows Arctic parts for pilgrimage every year to seek guidance of the Twin Gods, and returns with more wisdom each time."

"How about the directive to Feurlis? She orders the herald's imprisonment, and then creates a loophole to make his release a military opportunity? Anyone has ideas?"

"We should really wait for Arabat before continuing" Kalirosh dismissed the incipient conversation. "In any case, the release of Arctic would put an end to the current situation. The rebels would have achieved their goal and put the weapons down. The ironic thing is, Arctic is the only Lord we know of that has been blessed by the Twin Gods with a gift to be heard by everyone he speaks to, no matter where he resides." Kalirosh smiled bitterly, rubbing his forehead in desperation.

Lady Quetlisse exclaimed: "We must use our Councilor privileges to procure a chance of entering the Detention Block and communicating with the Herald. I would try to persuade him to address the rebels. If he speaks, he will be heard by everyone, am I right?"

"I'm afraid this is not true", Kh'Everst shook his head. "The Detention block construction is notable for all sort of magical defenses inside walls. After all, it was designed to withhold criminals of all sort, including powerful wizards, to whom an Earthquake spell is as familiar as the Rain of Arrows technique to you, noble Elf. I have no doubt, the magic of the dungeon will dampen this natural talent of our herald."

A distant sound of hurried footfall swelled up until a panting messenger barged into the court hall and yelled "Councilors, allow me to report!"
"We are all ears".
"Councilor Arabat Flamesoul the Fourth has just been detained and passed into custody. He is being led down into the Detention block as we speak. He is being accused of High Treason."

Grief silence arose in the court hall for a moment. Present councilors stood speechless, only their widely opened eyes staring at each other displayed the horror they felt at this news.
"Does the order come from Her Majesty the Empress?" Kalirosh asked in a hoarse muffled voice.
"Of course, Councilor, sir."

Kalirosh rushed out of the Hall towards the Palace. He knew Arabat well enough to understand that the noble Demon would never betray the Empire after being welcomed in view of his dissension from the Infernals. He quickly ran up the stairs and approached the bedchamber, but the imperial guard blocked his way.
"Her Majesty's wish is not to receive visitors at this point. You will have to choose a later date for your visit, councilman."

In desperation, the knight squatted down on the floor right in front of the guard and uttered a loud, anguished and slightly irate moan.
Meanwhile, a rather detestable creature made appearance in the abandoned lab of Grand Capital. The creature was purely demonic, hunchbacked and horned with dark brown skin and heinous bared teeth. It was holding a strange projectile in its hand that was ablaze with an inextinguishable fire.

It stood quiet for a few minutes, staring in the skies above the lab. Then, as a mail pigeon came flying above, it jumped and hurled the projectile at the bird. A huge burst of fire killed it in an instant, the poor dove came down and got looted by the creature who snatched an envelope attached to its talon. Hopping with excitement, the creature drew a strange emblem on the floor and suddenly fell through it to some totally different place.

"Nice work, gog. Let's see what was inside."
A succubus took the missive from the creature, tore the envelope and extracted a sheet of scroll bent three times. She started reading the scroll.

"Fellow Councilors,
I am writing these lines in my study in the Academy at the same moment as the guard is approaching the Academy. I can see them out of my window, I have no doubt they are there to arrest me, and I hasten to finish this short message.
I managed to identify the origin of the queer behaviour of our Empress and to analyze the whole course of latest events. The Empress is being POSSESSED by a demon...

As painful as it is for me to admit, it is entirely my fault: in my quest to find the cure for Her Majesty's malady I forgot how vulnerable She became and have not arranged proper protection. I guess I will have to face my punishment at a later point, but now it is vital to decide on our actions.

You see, when I read reports about Her Majesty's actions, I immediately had the doubt.

Think about it: Temporary energy outbursts, then making long-term reclusions to recover. Strange glittering in her eyes and illogical decisions.
Besides, this whole rebellion situation is just a classical way of Demon preparation of an invasion. They make their victims clash internally to weaken themselves, and then strike rapidly and brutally.

For this reason councilor Arabat was arrested. He is an experienced Demon who knows his kin very well. One his look at the Empress would let him understand the reason, so the Demon she is possessed by just removed him from the way. I am guessing, they are after me here for the same reason - to keep their plans hidden for as long as possible.

As for the origin, I read several encyclopedia here in the Academy and I think I have an answer where the whole thing roots. During this Festival of Demons, so recklessly organized by Arabat, a lot of Lords began exploring the Demon tactics. And I do not have to remind you that the key to successful Demon warfare is in fact Gating.
With so many Lords gating creatures from Hell, I believe at some point the border with the Inferno broke, and Demons started creeping out. I just hope we are not too late with this discovery.

There is still hope. I think Her Majesty's mind is still strong as She has demonstrated huge will. I have no doubt that She created this directive for Feurlis while struggling with that demon, as an attempt to make the situation solvable. It looks like everything is in the Lords hands now. By defeating Feurlis they will set Arctic free. Reach him immediately after that and explain this situation to him. He must speak and the Empire must hear to initiate preparations for the demonic onslaught.

The guard is knocking at my door already with the intention to arrest me. I beg you, my friends, stay out of any trouble, do not act rashly and save yourself for a conversation with Arctic. We need his talent to make this known and to have a chance to withstand the attack.

Truly yours,
Bilir, Senior Academic, Councilor for Magical sciences."

The succubus grinned lustily. "Nice work indeed, servant! I was right, this must certainly not have reached the addressees. Our masters will be pleased to burn this missive personally".
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