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[Just A Game] Riddle #3


Author[Just A Game] Riddle #3
***The character in this riddle is you***

One day, you were chased by a pack of hungry wild lions. You were running as hard as you could. Suddenly, you stopped as you see 4 paths in front of you.

According to the signboard:

1st Path: Leads to a lake filled with man-eating piranhas and crocodiles.

2nd Path: Leads to a forest filled with deadly snakes and poisonous flowers.

3rd Path: Leads to a cliff where it is at least a 1000 meters height

4th Path: Leads to a mine field where many dangerous explosives are ready to detonate upon contact.

Uh oh!!! Looks like a hard decision but you have to make your decisions fast because the hungry lions are right behind you. If the lions ever catch you, you’ll be their breakfast………

QUESTION: Suggest the best and the safest path for yourself. Explain why you choose that path.

P.S: I suggest you narrate a story on how you escape


***Facts that needed to be taken into consideration:

1) You carry NO WEAPONS

3) You are an ORDINARY HUMAN

4) There are ONLY 4 PATHS ahead of you now

5) The lions are NOT CUTE AND CUDDLY.
3rd path, because lions cannot climb...so maybe you have equipments for climbing mountains :p
The decisions will be made by me and my decisions are final!! :)

[P.S: The most accurate and the fastest answer gets a special reward]
If you can find the exact answer----> Good for you

If you can't find the answer-----> Then solely depends on your creativity. Be it logical or illogical...........as long as it is funny, kinda smart and most importantly CREATIVE :)

P.S: If there are no accurate answers, the most creative answer will be put into consideration too.

So, Good Luck !!!
Thinking quickly you make a break for the mountains you are not an expect in explosives and you have always been afraid of snakes,the lake just seemed unwelcome after you got that sun burn on the beach last week. Makeing a dash up the steep and rugged mountain you find an old cabin. you hide in the old cabin hoping the lions wont find you but soon you see shadows outside your door.Its the lions dressed up in safari outfits all with elephant guns.

You bolt it out the door screaming for your mommy while running up the hill.unfortunately while running away you also pissed yourself leaving a nice trail for the lines to follow. The lines are closing in and you feel a sense of dread worm its way though your body. Then an old mountain monk bids you forward,you follow him deep into the side of the mountain.

You enter the peaceful city listen to the birds sing and general feeling of happiness washes over you as you enter this city. The lions have fallen you though and have ditched there safari gear in place of ninja outfits(everyone knows lions love dressing up when there on the hunt).The lions sneak though the city searching for there pray you. As you sit by a nice fountain in the middle of the town trying to calm yourself from your narrow escape from the lions you suddenly notice it is oddly quiet.You get up and look around out of the corner of your eye you see a flash of black.

Then you hear the monk screaming you can make out his words though.He dashes towards you muttering something about the lions having followed you.Then the glint of a steel and a flash. The old monk crumples to the ground scared out of your wits you run fast. Alas the lions are faster and soon corner you. Having no where to go and only your fists you attempt to make a last stand.The lions approach you,you brace yourself for your doom.Then the lion speaks,"good show old boy now whats you say to a spot of tea before we kill you."Figuring its better then dieing you say yes to the tea.The lions lead you down the mountain back to there humble little game lounge where they have many human heads hanging on the wall.

The lions say the guest should make there tea you gladly accept. The moment you get into the kitchen you book it to your car where you drive home and lock the doors,bolt the windows. Hiding under your bed crying for momma you hope you got away. :P
Keep those answers coming :)
I would take the fourth path because,
The mines can only be triggered by anything metallic (magnetic mines)
I do not posses any metallic implants or objects.
Run for your life (away from lions) through the ineffective minefield!!!
I would feed the lions :D because... wells they are hungry
Anymore answers?
keep trying :)
1st Path: Leads to a lake filled with man-eating piranhas and crocodiles. because if I were a girl/woman they won't be able to eat me because it only says man-eating piranhas and crocodiles:)
Keep on the effort !!!
1st Path: Leads to a lake filled with man-eating piranhas and crocodiles.
Becas u can try to put those lions to lake by pushing them
1st Path: Leads to a lake filled with man-eating piranhas and crocodiles.
Maybe "I" can jump on the crocodile;s body and leap to other side of river

2nd Path: Leads to a forest filled with deadly snakes and poisonous flowers.
"I" am wearing long jacket,long pants,and boots.Poisonous flower cannot touch "my" skin and "I' took out a recorder and play a music and snakes won't bite me:)

3rd Path: Leads to a cliff where it is at least a 1000 meters height
You need to find a 1000 meters vine and tie it to a rock and go down the cliff slowly-.-

4th Path: Leads to a mine field where many dangerous explosives are ready to detonate upon contact.

Throw stone when you are 100m away from the mine field and after all the mines exploded, you can run across the mine field
I know this might be a stupid answer, but if the signboard was high enough, I would climb it and stand there, otherwise, the only choise left would be to go across a mined field, because a human can be careful and see it where as a lion will be chasing the human and won't see them.
if the signboard was high enough, I would climb it and stand there
How do you climb a signboard? And how to you step on a signboard?
Well, if you had some muscles, you would climb it and sit on the direction tables.
1st Path: Leads to a lake filled with man-eating piranhas and crocodiles.
A neptune came and helped me

2nd Path: Leads to a forest filled with deadly snakes and poisonous flowers.
Tarzan came and helped me

3rd Path: Leads to a cliff where it is at least a 1000 meters height
Spiderman came to helped me

4th Path: Leads to a mine field where many dangerous explosives are ready to detonate upon contact.
Wonderwoman came to save me:D
For DarknessDoom,
Do you think you will win that marvelous, fantastic, lovely answer?
Well, at least Tarzan or Spiderman did not help me!
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