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AuthorNY Throne Battle Tournament
+ nick _armenia_3
Battle count: 16 (16) Points: 14
Dropout condition: 10 defeats (2)

I fought by DE and barb/.
Are there any people who has got 16 win batlles???
Yes there are, there are the scores:

what a variety of races in there :(
switched to late to be on that list
necro is great for tournament if you has a brain and good hands)
Participants level: 5-15
Challenge type: Fixed-army duel
Equipment limitations: Unarmed
Battle count: 16 (16) Points: 10
Dropout condition: 10 defeats (6)
only 10 win :(
Tournament only for DE. The others in a deep bottom...
Battle count: 16 (16) Points: 10
Dropout condition: 10 defeats (6)

I fought by DE and Barb

Curiously 4 of th 6 looses was the 4 firts batles as DE ,later as Barb with Behemonts I can easily win to DE with Black Dragons
...and Behemots dont have a chance to win against Green dragons! titans could beat anything, if they have a good 1st ini. its getting funny with more factions in tourney. :)

is there a necro that wins against a playing DE? i wanna know!
is there a necro that wins against a playing DE? i wanna know!

dont think so:)

black dragons too powerfull...
the top 100 in the tourney is nearly full off de's...
no wonder thats all i ever fought
My multi won 14 of 16 with de
got 35000+ exp :)
Wizard is awesome, but I have about twice as many defeats as victories.

Why? Because I face a lot of dark elves. I think ALL except 1 of my defeats were against dark elves, and 1 of my victories was against a dark elf.

It feels as though people are changing to DE for the tourney.

Titans own anything except black dragons, because of their immunity to magic.
top 300

7 wizards
293 * dark elf

didnt even bother to join :P
Battle count: 16 (16) Points: 8
Dropout condition: 10 defeats (8)

It feels as though people are changing to DE for the tourney

You think?
i won a few times and once against a DE...i m a barb myself its pretty good in this tournamnet but not the best
tourney end and i close topic...
closed by Lord _ARMENIA_ (2011-01-11 16:51:32)
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