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29th Survival Tournament - Lvl - 4


Author29th Survival Tournament - Lvl - 4
As my Multi ( xms2 ) is in lvl 4 so iam making it from my main.

Post waves And Scores here..

Good Luck To All !!
i got 3029 i am barb
Highest score: [Necromancer] 2705
waves from 1 to the 11 only 500 gold
Participants level: 4
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (0 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 7 (4)
Highest score: Barb 4047; Darkelf 3441
extras: HG points for hitting top 10%
any wizards? post your scores.
1st try - 2535 pt.
rudmate, you will do it better anyway ))
1. 7 Gremlins all side
2. 7 brutes all side
3. 3 grotesques/ - /3 grotesques/ -
4. - /2 enchanted gargoyles/ - /2 enchanted gargoyles
5. 5 Ghosts/3 Vampiric lizards/ - / - /
6. 1 water elementals/18 Recruits/1 water elementals/18 Recruits/
7. 1 Druid/1 fire elemental/4 Poisoners/ 9 Demons
8. 1 Lorekeepers/ 9 Spawns/1 Lorekeepers/ 9 Spawns/
9. 12 Infected zombies all side
sory, min AP
wrong waves posted, miss 2 waves
first attemt 3120 wizard, must be better
Question to administration.
Why im not displayed in lvl 4 scores ? My points was above 3100+.

After that i lvl up to 5. But i played in tournament when i was in lvl 4.
@Kadwan. Don't worry, your score stay, just because U level up, U can't see them more.
im dark elf highest score 2819 but im sure i can do way better
Participants level: 4
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (0 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 7 (2)
Highest score:(Barbarian)4231
extras: HG points for hitting top 10%
14. 16 swordsman 1 unicorn 11 exchange mercenariness 11 harpies
Participants level: 4
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (0 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 7 (4)
Highest score: [Elf] 3100
extras: HG points for hitting top 10%

1) 7. Gremlins/7. Gremlins/7. Gremlins/7. Gremlins
2) 7. Brutes/7. Brutes/7. Brutes/7. Brutes
3) 3. Grotesque/---------/3. Grotesque/---------/
4) ----------/2. Enchanted Gorgoyles/ ----------/2. Enchanted Gorgoyles/
5) 5 Ghost/ 3 vampiric lizards /---------/---------/
6) 1.water elements/18 recruits/1.water elements/18 recruits
7) 1 Druid/1. Fire elemental/4 poisoners/9 demons
8) ---------/4 gigant lizards/---------/4 gigant lizards
9) 1 Lorekeepers/9spawns/1 Lorekeepers/9spawns
10) ----------/ 7 Apparitions/ ----------/ 7 Apparitions
11) 12 infected zombies/12 infected zombies/12 infected zombies/12 infected zombies

best wishes in battle
12) 4 Modern golems / 4 Apparitions / 4 Modern golems / 4 Apparitions
13) 14 Brutes / 1 aeir elementals / --------- / ---------
14) 16 Sworsmen / 1 Brirlliant unicorns / 11 Mercenary warriors / 11 Raiding harpies
Highest score: [Necromancer] 3386
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