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Author29th Survival Tournament Lev 15
left up right down
1 . 4 x 7 hydra
2 . 2 x 74 R.harpy 2 x 42 mino soldier
3 . 2 x 31 siren 2 x 82 sprites
4 . 4 x 4 Raging cyclops
5 . 2 x 445 imps 2 x 81 wolf raiders
6 . 92 minotaur 14 cave demon 90 renegade scouts 198 crossbowmen
7 . 2 x 4 skeleton dragon 2 x 40 mercenary sorcerers
8 . 4 x 247 crossbowmen
9 . 2 x 8 trolls 2 x 110 crossbowmen
10. 42 mistresses 150 poisioner 121 wolfhound 150 poisioner
11. 2 x 19 crazed trolls 2 x 34 ladon
12. 2 x 37 varacious anglefish 2 x 28 DW
13. 249 apparitions 163 stonegnawers 90 R griffins 382 swordmen

I am so noob and very blur :P
14. 2 x 348 incendiaries 2 x 401 infected zombies
15. 107 mistresses 121 druids 771 v.spider 1543 globin
16. 4 x 491 skeletonbowmen
17.268 rogue,111 air elemental,297 evil eye,44 dark witch
18.37 anglerfish,242 shardshooter,85 griffin,8 leviathan
19.4 x 82 genie
20.28 dark witch,water elemental,25 sphynx warrior,26 sphynx guardian
21.2 x 119 succubi,2 x 116 griffin
22.191 suducing siren,54 ladon,637 bowmen,1034 skeletal bowmen
23.2 x 1510 spawn,2 x 430 seducing siren
for guin:
Wondering how u pass all genis wave :O
closed by Brilliant (2011-01-17 10:11:18)
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