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Admins please help me (((

AuthorAdmins please help me (((
this person fooled me
( pila943 - https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4785177 )

he proposed to buy his sword of might from market with 95k thaen he return 45k......

he put me in his black list and write that he never returned money

what i should to do ? he write about that in transfer log (((((
01-25-11 05:04 Player was imposed a penalty of 45000 gold. // A transaction fraud with lot #2157213, not fulfilling the obligations of a deal [01-24-11 20:32]

Topic can be closed now..
hmm looks like you dont get 45k back good sword anyway
3.17. The Administration does not take responsibility for the unreturned debts and does not guarantee compensation in case of swindling by other players; as well as in case if the debtor has been blocked. When a loan is not returned in time, (the time must be written in the transfer logs, no more than a month) the swindler will be imposed a penalty of a sum twice as much. If the term isn't posted in the transfer logs, the penalty will occur 1 month after the loan transaction. The creditor does not get compensation.

So you won't get any gold back. You got a fine sword at a price lower than it's worth so you don't need to keep making topics.
01-23-11 05:31: Received 2000 Gold from kunnal : y u gave me gold........ i did not gave u to take refund.. hmmmmmmmmmmm
01-23-11 04:06: Received 1 Gold from Death_Lock : c my prof tht is frm my heart
01-23-11 03:51: Received 2 Gold from Death_Lock : no prob for me but plz remove blacklist..ill come after 3 months only so ur free now!
01-23-11 03:34: Received 1 Gold from Death_Lock : remove blacklist plz . ill not give a pm anymore! plz remove
01-22-11 22:09: Transferred 5000 Gold to Taipan, Commission charged: 50 :
01-22-11 22:06: Transferred 2000 Gold to kunnal, Commission charged: 20 : thank))))))))))))))))))))))))
01-22-11 21:52: Acquired item: "Great hunter amulet" [10/10] for 2290 gold from triplebuzze as lot #2152778
01-22-11 21:46: Rent paid: 234 gold (234/d) for room #5 until 21:45 01-23, Estates #64 (owner: Zehir).
01-22-11 13:11: Acquired item: "Ring of doubts" [12/12] 2 pcs. for 11648 gold from izum as lot #2151445
01-22-11 12:44: Transferred 60000 Gold to CryDeath, Commission charged: 600 : loan for a week
01-22-11 12:06: Acquired item: "Amulet of luck" [25/25] for 2938 gold from Massaka as lot #2151156
01-22-11 12:05: Acquired item: "Sword of retribution" [40/40] for 8041 gold from Hordin as lot #2151058
01-22-11 11:27: Transferred 6000 Gold to D_i_m_ka, Commission charged: 60 : thank
01-22-11 11:01: Transferred 31000 Gold to truekach, Commission charged: 310 : sps moi drug ))
01-22-11 10:37: Transferred 1 Gold to truekach, Commission charged: 1 : doljna 31k
01-22-11 10:35: Received 14000 Gold from truekach :
01-22-11 10:32: Received 25000 Gold from CryDeath : sps vernyl dolg
01-21-11 19:12: Transferred 1 Gold to truekach, Commission charged: 1 : too
01-21-11 19:07: Received 14000 Gold from truekach : Sorry - drunk)
01-21-11 19:06: Received 1400 Gold from truekach : I love u

01-16-11 20:41: Received 7000 Gold from MageCRO : last loan
01-16-11 20:28: Received 2000 Gold from truekach : loan
01-16-11 18:43: Received 2000 Gold from truekach :
01-16-11 15:04: Received 7000 Gold from MageCRO : give me 25k or long bow and dragon shild for return
01-16-11 14:49: Received 7000 Gold from MageCRO : loan
01-16-11 14:23: Transferred 1000 Gold to cezar121, Commission charged: 10 : loan back
01-16-11 14:22: Transferred 1000 Gold to cezar121, Commission charged: 10 :
01-16-11 14:21: Transferred 5000 Gold to 11SERGEY, Commission charged: 50 : ast 10k
01-16-11 14:19: Transferred 4240 Gold to cezar121, Commission charged: 42 :
01-16-11 14:04: Item returned: "Sword of might" [24/80] to truekach
also i see you loaned a lot from some people and returned partially...example cezar121 loaned you 55k and you returned on 44k...and you said "it's all" in the description of the last transfer....same to the others...
ok...its not worng to take loans for roulette because i do that too...but i return as much as i loaned not like you....also i see you already have been warned for creating more than 15 accounts...be carefull anyway i hope you may get block or penalised again and hope noone will loan you and lose gold
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