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31st Survival Tournament - Level 12

Author31st Survival Tournament - Level 12
Post scores and waves here!

Good luck to everyone!
1. 13earth elementals, 11hydras, 345farmers, 26 orc chief
2. 13 monks all sides
3. 217 skeleton archers all sides
4. 2 ragging cycops, 95brutes, 84zomb, 9misstress
5. 1x titan all sides
6. 71 orcs, 10 DW, 421 goblins, 177 bowmen
7. 32 orc all sides
8. 11 death envoys all sides
9. 839 farmers all sides
10. 95 stonehearts all sides
11. 39 misstress all sides
12. 164 crusaders, 31 thunderbirs, 399 gargoyles, 45 rocs
13. 28 royal griffins all sides

as demon fast and usualy with bad position
14. 9 devils all sides
Amount of attempts: 7 (1)
Highest score: 83775, lots of mistakes just reached wave 11
Cant Get PAst Wave 10.

Min Ap. 66415.
Amount of attempts: 7 (2)
Highest score: 122938
less mistakes but still can do better
other barbs pls post scores
Amount of attempts: 7 (1)
Highest score: 59404

Min AP, wrong talents as barbarian :)
15. 375 spirites, 43 hydras, 375 spirites, 43 hydras
Participants level: 12
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (10 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 7 (1)
Highest score: [Barbarian] 127273
extras: HG points for hitting top 10%
16. 110 vampires, 375 enchanted gargoyles, 1840 farmers, 40 nightmares
17. 150 sharpshoters, 126wolf raider, 11 raging cyclops, 327 zombie

Very bad posions for wave 16 and 17 too... And all of phantoms died in first hit
for VeDWoo:
sank you.

1. 13earth elementals, 11hydras, 345farmers, 26 orc chief
2. 13 monks all sides
3. 217 skeleton archers all sides
4. 2 ragging cycops, 95brutes, 84zomb, 9misstress
5. 1x titan all sides
6. 71 orcs, 10 DW, 421 goblins, 177 bowmen
7. 32 orc all sides
8. 11 death envoys all sides
9. 839 farmers all sides
10. 95 stonehearts all sides
11. 39 misstress all sides
12. 164 crusaders, 31 thunderbirs, 399 gargoyles, 45 rocs
13. 28 royal griffins all sides
14. 9 devils all sides
15. 375 spirites, 43 hydras, 375 spirites, 43 hydras
16. 110 vampires, 375 enchanted gargoyles, 1840 farmers, 40 nightmares
17. 150 sharpshoters, 126wolf raider, 11 raging cyclops, 327 zombie

Just to make it more convenient :)
It was nice battling with you for first place, now Im off for level 13 :P
- Necro score : 150000ish
wave 18- 600 spiders, 95 ogre magi, 250 giant lizards, 50 thunderbirds these figures are approx.
oops sorry thatas not wave 18 thats wave 19.
wave 18 i think is 300 spawns, 500imps, 110 vamps and 28 unicorns
figures approx
74407 At Minimum AP.

I don't think it's possible for me to get any further . . .
more than 200k
bb lvl 12 :(
Participants level: 12
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (10 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 7 (3)
Highest score: [Barbarian] 114371; [Demon] 48428

Many many mistakes made as barbarian :(. Min AP as demon.
Amount of attempts: 7 (1)
Highest score: [Demon] 170956

While playing, was distracted often, not attentive, and consequently few fails caused to a poor result((
closed by Brilliant (2011-02-14 13:07:45)
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