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32nd Survival Tournament - Level 14

Author32nd Survival Tournament - Level 14

1) 230 Goblins x4

2) 221 Skeletal bowmen x4

3) 420 Goblins / 10 Dark Witches / 420 Goblins / 10 Dark Witches

4) 1 Behemoth / 10 Senior Genies / 8 Anglerfish / 26 Rangers

5) 254 Spiders / 432 Gremlins / 11 Ironroot Treefolk / 15 Voracious Anglerfish

6) 1 Archangel / 8 Brilliant Unircorns / 17 Misstresses / 33 Rangers

7) 27 Magi x4

8) 170 Sharpshoters / 242 Infected zombies / 170 Sharpshoters / 242 Infected zombies

9) 942 Skeletons / 57 Royal Griffins / 487 Zombies / 82 Magis

10) 17 Unicorns / 56 Rogues / 165 Sprites / 184 Demons /

11) 233 Spiders / 161 Bandits / 233 Spiders / 161 Bandits

12) 9 Dark Sibyls / 32 Vampire Counts / 9 Dark Sibyls / 32 Vampire Counts

13) 97 Lizard Cavalry x4

- Good Luck all :)
14) 64 Monks x4
15) 6 titans/25 trolls/6 titans/25 trolls
16) 17 trolls/348 venomous spider/17 trols/348 venomous spider

I think that 16 is pretty tough..if u not have a lot of troops..

good luck !!!
Wave 13 and 16 are deadly
17) 4 * 129 sirens
18) 3465 farmers 205 griffins 3465 farmers 205 griffins
19) 1095 rebels 2190 goblins 296 cerberi 2066 gremlins
brr... no time to spend on decent tournament battle.. so I did not participated yet...
interesting tournament-with de in minimal to wave 13
will be hard to find 3hours in row to play as necro :(
Died on #17

Tried mass rapid, luck and damage each one leads to the same ending :D
First try and died on wave 16. Not sure to find time and motivation to do other attempts.
Died on 15 th ... 2 attempts..
will be hard to find 3hours in row to play as necro :(
Hmmm...1st place tries take me 1 hour max,what are you guys doing in there lol?
I did a few mistakes but died on #17 as knight. Alredy used all my tries.
Reach siren wave... but bad effect... they did not casted my shrews but attacked in meele... does anyone knows when they cast and when they attack?
17) 4 * 129 sirens
18) 3465 farmers 205 griffins 3465 farmers 205 griffins

Really? mrwhite u r really a legend lol

Wave 18 is impossible for DE...I can kill most of griffins but theres just to many

bit hard only 1good try with right units so could get more but i am not sure do i want to spent more time to it after all elf is 1 damn waiting fight..
closed by xCNxNanda (2011-02-27 22:19:04)
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