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noobies talk corner


Authornoobies talk corner
we noobs need place to talk so here it is.

note: posting from any reason to this topic is same as admitting to be a noob no matter are you empire or mod admit the facts you are noob and you have something to ask!!
can anyone tell me how do we enroll in this game?
can anyone tell me how do we enroll in this game?
good question!
*confused* *scratches head*
omg!! what do u mean? -.-
gratz naapa for this topic :D
How can I be a noob ?
How can I be a noob ?
you are a noob! Cheers^^
4 noobs here currently :D
4 noobs here currently :D
what happened to my maths..? i think 5 -.-
lol :p
was bit suprise to get even this many out of thousands to admit they have this sickness thanks this may drag others to reveal their noobness
was bit suprise to get even this many out of thousands to admit they have this sickness thanks this may drag others to reveal their noobness
cheers!! :p
can a level 3 noob be a noob too :')?
you are a noob! Cheers^^


I'd like pursue advanced studies in noobieness....
You guys might be Newb, Newbies, but Noobs...is the insulting form. If I was you, Id keep that word out of forum :P
lets welcome our newest noob dan-panic
welcome our newest noob dan-panic
welcome our newest noob dan-panic
Thanks to all the Newbies !
Thanks to all the Newbies fitting already so well it "noob" not newbie
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