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Authormany players leaving the game
simple. when u are bored in rl. come here for a while.
when u are bored at here, left the game :)
when u have nathing to do? go sleep (or play other game) xD

The game has and does require substantial enrolling and the use of min arts.

This suppose to change with the new economic system, but people dont wanna listen that to get there, we have to lash out GOLD, drain all the gold out of the game.

As usual, people will ask me how I know that, ...easy, I read forums when Arctic speaks out.
I do believe I am one of the older players in the game and yes people have been complaining for years.
I havent been the most active or rich or strongest player but I was here nonetheless and this game does get monotonous after a while.
It doesnt get 100% boring but when it does get boring I just do somethin else. I've made mistakes and I think the admins have made mistakes as well but in time we should be able to deal with them all.
for Flour:
I don't think it has anything to do with rule changes, TG, LG or any others.
It's the lack of events and tournaments that's slowly draining the server population.
It is simply too boring to hunt, labor, thief and do ST over and over and over.

Maybe it's both. I worked very hard building up my Laborers' Guild level only to have my wages slashed. This really p!sses me off. :(
simple. when u are bored in rl. come here for a while.
when u are bored at here, left the game :)
when u have nathing to do? go sleep (or play other game) xD


You're level 15 ElfMoon
Well, here we go with another variation of "I don't like this game because.. [fill in the blanks]"

1. This game by itself is awesome, better than almost any other game I have ever played online. Take it as it is, not compare it with another, which in this case, is another server of the same game.

Greed is human nature. The need to want more regardless of what you already have.

To covet is human nature. "They have it, I want it too."

If you buy and play a PS3/X-Box/PC game, do you expect to get updates/improvements to the game you bought? Take your Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, Grand Theft Auto, The Sims, etc. You buy the game, you play the game till the end. You don't call the developer and ask for update(!?)

And here we have a game that you don't have to spend a single cent if you don't wish to, and.... you want constant updates?

Even mega-popular games like Starcraft, WoW etc, don't have updates/new features as often as us(!).

And it's not like we never had updates. We have events and updates 4-5 times yearly, and yet, we hear the constant and never-ceasing dissatisfaction.

I am what you would call the mid-generation player - Was here about one year later than the oldies, but neither can I be considered a newbie.

I have experienced both the old and new LG mechanics equally. I can tell you it made no difference to my playing style. I fight as much as I want (and I fight a LOT), wear as many arts as I want, and gold is never a problem.

Yes, I do enroll a lot, but even if I had less time to play and had to enroll less, I'm sure gold will never be a problem coz it's all about money management. If you throw all your gold away on roulette, switch factions and buy castles every week, no LG rule will help you. You will still not have enough.

I still can't understand the constant clamoring for new factions like Dwarves. And they are almost always coming from players who have yet to try out all the existing factions(??). What warped mentality is that? "Oh, they have it, I want it too!"? Can't we just take and enjoy the game as it is?

I am level 15, have all the arts I need, tier 6 upgrade, and I still have tons of goals to achieve in this game.

As for those who says we can only enroll, hunt, quest, enroll, hunt, quest,, well, you can spice up the 'monotony' by organizing some clan activities. From what I know, some (or maybe just 1-2) have a plethora of clan activities to participate in, to keep their members constantly occupied during these lean period.

If you don't receive 'outside' help to spice up the game, do it yourself.

Updates and events are a bonus, not a must to enjoy this already awesome game.
Does the TS and others who post similar topics see the irony of starting such topics? Constant topics like these only serve to deter and discourage beginners just starting to play this game from continuing. "Oh? the other server have this, we don't? So this game is going nowhere?, ok, I better stop playing and leave then."

More topics like these = more doom and gloom everywhere = players get demoralized and leave = less players = admins don't see numbers increasing = don't pay as much attention = less updates and events = more topics like these = more doom and gloom everywhere = players get demoralized and leave....

Do your part, for admins to do their part.

Ask not what the server can do for you; ask what you can do for the server.
While I might not agree with the TG changes, I believe something needed to be done. The previous TG situation was bad. TGI prices would have went down to 0.

and instead of the tgi price hitting 0, the admins made it cost over 1,000,000 gold. is there no in-between!!?
[Post deleted by moderator Pang // ]
[Player banned by moderator Pang until 2011-04-13 04:47:14 // off topic, flooding]
Well-said Jedi!
I do agree with jedi that we should not complain too much about having no updates since this game is totally free. You can't ask people to work hard for you without getting paid.

Although the admins doesnt care about our server as much as .ru, it does not change the fact that this is the BEST heroes series online game, even much better than the HOMM:Kingdom by Ubi soft themselves.
HOMM:Kingdom is boring without combats Strategy .

we like wars & money
Feedback to admins is good but you don't have to make it sound too negative and ruin it for everyone else. I got bored once and I didn't log in for the whole of 2010. I didn't start a topic on the forums or update my profile page to state that I was leaving or any of that dramatic nonsense. Game too slow for you? Find something else to do.

As for thief invites getting a bit too expensive, maybe they decided to reserve it for the higher levels or those who actually pay for the game? Weird how we don't see anyone complaining about mercenary quests being too hard for newbies. One can argue, though, that getting to level 12 (or amassing the sufficient amount of gold) is an absolute eternity compared to getting to level 7 where the main activity is usually doing mercenary quests. I could say that we should at least be thankful that they left a way for non-payers to get diamonds but I don't really think I'd feel the same if I didn't have my thief invite earlier. But this is just me debating with myself between battles and card games. XD

Ask not what the server can do for you; ask what you can do for the server.
Too selfish for this. I prefer to ask what I can do for myself! XD
@54Ask not what the server can do for you; ask what you can do for the server.
Too selfish for this. I prefer to ask what I can do for myself! XD

Loving the honesty :)
why can't we have admins that care and ones that use my 3 new event ideas that i came up with last night
i've already posted them in the i&s forum and even the announcements i have come up everything has done for them :P

1.) WoW gets an update every week wednesday night. It receives several big to massive patches per year not counting in any addons which come every 2-3 years.

2.) Starcraft:Broodwar at least got dozens of balancing patches and updates. Seeing how terrible magic is in this game and how 95% of all non-wizard players play might build and they still have not done anything about it but adding level 4 mage guild which changed nothing since still only wizards use magic outside of group battles exensively.
And no, using Disruption Ray 2 times per battle as DE does not count as "using magic extnsively".

3.) I am not greedy but I get tired getting beaten by players just because they had the luxury of getting the thief invitation and thanks to thief guild levels have a higher initiative and I am pretty sure most who have it now got it before the thief invite change.
I actually just want to theif to do something else than hunt, survival, merc and occasional PvP.
Even if I manage to enroll 24 times a day perfectly, win every hunt and merc with min ap (lol) I will need roughly a year to get it and that would actually mean forgoing everything elese like switching faction, getting upgrades or participating in tournaments or hunts because these are more often than not massive money sinks.
Before the change it was much easier to get a thief invitation because players could pool resources and just had to get 1 thief invitation and get to TGL 4 quickly.

4.) I think you mistake peoples frustration for greed when they complain about .ru servers because the main complaint at least from my point of view isn't that they are ahead but that the gap continues to get bigger and bigger the more time passes.
There was a time when they were dwarven wars and 1 level ahead. Now they are already 2 max levels ahead, not to mention dozens of updates, items, and of course dwarven wars.
Still nothing for war clans either. One hast wo wonder why they introduced them when you can barely do anything with it.
Ask not what the server can do for you; ask what you can do for the server.
Too selfish for this. I prefer to ask what I can do for myself! XD

Well, therein lies the problem, doesn't it? With attitudes like this, can you really blame if the admins have the same mentality?

You reap what you sow.

Enough said.
5.) Why should people not like to ply dwarven faction? Are you allowed onlyto wan a new faction when you got all factions at level 8-10?
I think that is silly. Maybe people checked out what dwarves are about and thought 'I'd really like to try that looks like they are more my play style than the other factions from the looks of it'.

It's a very valid complaint.

6.) "Ask not what the server can do for you; ask what you can do for the server."

Sigh as usual it's silly extremes, of course there can't be a middle ground.

And what can people do beside donating? I personally asked everyone of my friends to join this game. Just almost all do not like browser games in general so I did not have any success sadly.
for Jedi-Knight:
Well, therein lies the problem, doesn't it? With attitudes like this, can you really blame if the admins have the same mentality?

You reap what you sow.

Enough said.

No choice. If you have no way of doing anything for the server (donate), the least you can do is amuse yourself and others in the process! XD
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