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i am in love with shawsaac

Authori am in love with shawsaac
We battled once and i fell in love with him.If he is reading this wrote one like it saying how he feels about me also
urm congrats? hehee
Topic moved from "Queries and help" to "Off-game forum".
I think he will ;)


this is the battle when she fell in love with him
for allwayspoor:
No lol! Love is a serious matter! Pffft!!!... what could a barbarian know about... -.-

for Shorty5225:
Good luck!
what could a barbarian know about... -.-
Lmao :D
im prety sure it is lol if u watched the batle then u would see how funny it is
im prety sure it is lol if u watched the batle then u would see how funny it is

yup :D
they must be young or already in love (meaning real life )
they must be young or already in love (meaning real life )
check the battle a question was asked
"where r u from"
lol is it that easy to find love:p
lol, is it so easy to fall in love in game? XD
I have nothing to say XD
I fell out from my chair XD
I fell out from my chair XD


i'm jealous:)))
Love is achieved easily nowadays!

This is the ideal song for your love: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urNyg1ftMIU
Enjoy :P
yeah me too i am jealous of you

i need a girlfriend in this game
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