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A new map Update !!


AuthorA new map Update !!
Dont you guys saw a new glowing effect and a new font in the maps ??

Guess the next update !! :D
yup, i just notice :)
yes, i can see button for complex route now
so, will we have new map locations? :s
http://img27.imageshack.us/img27/139/unledxr.png :P
One more update-
when you travel to any location the pointer showing the end point is now a flag not a cross
so, we getting some new locations ?? :P
why is there some flags on the map even when we're not travelling? Do they have any meaning?
nah ! i dont see any flags like tht in my map ! :P
Mg location chnage from ST to EB.
you see two of them.
One in east bay, one in misty coast
But this is a bug. They are supposed to be in Seraphs Tear and Yellow Lake
the two places where you can deliver your mercernary quest.
Just noticed,good I went straight to YL ^^
Indeed! and it's cool that we can use that complex route. I guess Alex and Maxim thought a small map update would accopmany that preety well:P
i think the following things may happen-
1= this maybe a bug
2= maybe the MG office is shifting to EB and MC
3= maybe a new event is going to occur
It is a bug( about MG). Confirmed:)
it might be the same as the map in the ru server
And when will correct it bug?
Looks like the two flag thing has been corrected.
Now there are 2 flags one on yellow lake and one on Seraph's Tears

Has anyone tried going there to complete the quest?
I have gone to both yellow lake and seraph's tears to complete mg quests since then. If that is what you are asking.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.
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