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40th tournament lvl 7!

Author40th tournament lvl 7!
good luck all.I hope u have a nice battle
Waves? :P
*waves back* :P


1. 16 rebels - 16 rebels - nothing - nothing
2. 8 sharpshooters around
3. 1 death envoyes around
4. 40 gargs - 8 magies - 69 recruits
5. 3 anglerfish around
6. 31 gremlin engiiner - 7renegade thugs - 3 air elemental - 25 gargs
7. 14 renegate thugs - 19 guardians - 50 venemous spiders - 11 minotaurus-double-strikers
8. 24wolfhounds - 8 vampire counts - 30 harpies - 7 earth elementals
9. 14 wolf reiders
10. 22 grotesques - 9 gmb
11. 8 lizards - 8 lizards - 49 gargs - 49 gargs
12. ? orcs - behemoth - ? ladons - 37 renegade magicians
13. 57 sharpshooters - 57 sharpshooters - 98 spawns - 98 spawns

20073 first try
14. 8 thunderbirds all sides!!!
score: 25441 barb....
8. 24wolfhounds - 8 vampire counts - 7 earth elementals - 30 harpies
12. 31 orcs - behemoth -6 ladons - 37 renegade magicians
DE scores plzz
20454 (DEMON)

Any other demon acores???
Amount of attempts: 7 (1)
Highest score: (Knight) 24528
pathetic score 6090
Highest score: 18284 with minimum ap
15) 22 Minotaur Solders, 7 Ladons, 7 Thunderbirds, 32 Sirens

Knight 29074
Anyone have wizard score?
Amount of attempts: 7 (7)
Highest score: (Knight) 24912
closed by Brilliant (2011-07-20 07:18:57)
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