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40th ST - Lvl 14

Author40th ST - Lvl 14
1. 98 skeleton bows 6 unicorns 18 orc chiefs 9 Air elementals
2. 48*4 Seducing sirens
3. 30 Acnhorites 29 lorekeepers 30 anchorites 29 lorekeepers
4. 164*4 incendiaries
5. 5 cavalry 97 sprites 130 gremlin engineers 21 succubi
6. 60 ghosts 136 spiders 41 ghosts
7. 66 poisoners 17 air elementals 66 poisoners 17 elementals
8. 24 hydras 63 rangers 24 hydras 63 rangers
9. 148 *4 dryads
10. 354*4 gremlin wreckers
11. 304 venomous spiders 36 earth elementals 6 giants 234 infected zombies
12. 6 behemoths 18 cavedemons 380 demons 382 gargolyes
13.85 evil eyes 252 demons 85 evil eyes 252 demons
14. 4 jade dragons 253 forest keepers 1236 farmers 766 goblins
15. 4 Titans 278 dryads 4 titans 278 dryads
16. 25 crazed trolls, 89 anchorites 53 Anglerfish 179 GMB

Note: Wave 6 , couldnt check the 4th stack in bottom as it died in Firewall too fast.
And I cant be bothered to watch the replay.

35 renegate scouts are in bottom in wave 6,Zeno
the 41 in wave 6 are appas, not ghosts
17. 110 Renegade Magicians, 27 Ladons, 89 Shrewes, 40 Hydras
Amount of attempts: 7 (2)
Highest score: [Knight] 200509
to Cocoon
wave please :-)
they r all ready posted...
more more more
write write write
18. 79*4 Fire elementals
18 4x200 anchorites
19 20 titans 130 seducing sirens 20 titans 130 seducing sirens
20 4x28 jade dragons
21 4x400 poisoners
18. 79*4 Fire elementals

18 4x200 anchorites
19 20 titans 130 seducing sirens 20 titans 130 seducing sirens
20 4x28 jade dragons
21 4x400 poisoners

one more..
closed by Brilliant (2011-07-20 07:16:37)
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