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40th Survival Tournament - lvl 12

Author40th Survival Tournament - lvl 12
Post Waves and score here!
GL to All!

1. 40 Lizard cubs(L,R) - 34 Incendaries(U,D)
2. 22 Lodestone golems(L,R) - 11 Ogres(U,D)
3. 42 Enchanted gargoyles - 25 Crusaders - 14 Minotaur soldiers - 75 Zombies
4. 55 Mercenaries warriors - 23 Lizard cavalry - 9 Ladons - 450 Farmers
5. 113 Sprites(all)
6. 42 Rangers(all)
7. 39 Mercenaries warriors - 29 Rogues - 15 Ogre magi - 316 Farmers
8. 11 Treefolk(all)
9. 241 Goblins(all)
10. 443 Skeletal bowmen - 4 Jade dragons - 91 Grandmaster bowmen - 324 Demons
11. 67 Wolf riders - 6 Sphynx warriors - 49 Evil eyes - 10 Archliches
12. 4 Jade dragons - 94 Stoneeaters - 126 Apparitions - 52 Druids
13. 266 Swordsmen (all)
14. 100 Ghosts (L,R) - 25 Fire elementals (U,D)
15. 7 Twilight dragons - 109 Minotaur soldiers - 397 Bowmen - 6 Archangels
16. 106 Sirens (L,R) - 30 Ladons (U,D)
17. 137 Ghosts (L,R) - 150 Sharpshooters (U,D)
18. 223 Lodestone golems (all)
19. 994 Gremlin wreckers (L,R) - 2726 Farmers (U,D)

But at the end i did really silly mistakes "._."
99130 cant get more(
Amount of attempts: 7 (1)
Highest score: [Elf] 212121
extras: HG points for hitting top 10%

this is my last scores and i will lvl-up.a lot of mistakes at waves-18 but i got some lucks.GL all:)
Participants level: 12
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (10 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 7 (2)
Highest score: 142379
103435 my last score i dont want try more
can not pass those farmers lol
Amount of attempts: 7 (3)
Highest score: [Barbarian] 248312

Only 1675 farmers to go to wave 19 !!! but this is my last try, dont think I can do better.
*go to wave 20 not 19, sorry :)
40th Survival Tournament - #639 (from 07-10 12:00 till 07-17 12:15)
Participants level: 12
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (10 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 7 (5)
Highest score: 175780 as barb.with sword might and shortbow.
closed by Brilliant (2011-07-20 07:16:26)
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