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Unfortunate Hamster hunter...


AuthorUnfortunate Hamster hunter...

This lvl 3 elf had 0.0000 chances against the Hamster with 10K HP...
hehe msut take head on later if he keeps playing:p
Well, at least he tried...
At least he can boast about having fought the hamster before (although he lost).
Not many of us have been lucky enough to fight it. :D
How come the hamster came in during hunt?
How come the hamster came in during hunt?

Look at the war id.
I've tryed to get it, but just click attack too late:

I was in full arts, lol
he thought "what a terrible monster !"

at the same time , all of u want to eat that monster :)
Look at this brave level 2: https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=493000000
so next one is with link 32000000?
so next one is with link 32000000

What a Waste...
we have to wait about 2-3 months to get another one :(
unlucky him and unluchy the 3200001 :D
we have to wait about 2-3 months to get another one :(

More like 1-2 but it still is a bummer.
can you get a hamster if your x000000 battle is a MG quest or a thief ambush? or does it have to be hunt?
hunt or mg
can you get a hamster if your x000000 battle is a MG quest or a thief ambush? or does it have to be hunt?

As naapa said, it will come in a hunt or mg. On the .ru server, I remember seeing a hamster appearing in a survival tourney. Not sure if that is the case here, but I'm guessing it is.
how come hamsters with 100 atk deal only 40 or 50 dmg?? lol
very funny hamster :P
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