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#382 The Kingdom [Military clan]


Author#382 The Kingdom [Military clan]
Kingdom legend
During the next calm fighting clans have begun the active company on a robbery of civilians, and nobody could resist to them. I usually sat in a tavern, drank beer, and searched for interesting stories for the «books of annals» and here one of them:
Usual day, I as always search with whom to talk and learn about their feats. But heroes already are not present, all correct cut, and who was not drunk, became cruel and plundered the peace people under the influence of the clan. Having suffered the next failure in gathering of legends, I already gathered in the hovel as suddenly tavern doors have swung open and in them I have seen the youth which have started to shout:
- Enter my clan! All, to whom of road such concepts as: good, valour, honour.
There has come silence, but it has lasted not long. All who was in a tavern, have unanimously started to laugh at the youth.
- Enter a clan, valour, honour of a fairy tale all it, leave from here do not make laugh us.
- You soon will understand that not jokes and the good again will glance it in your souls.
Having been upset, it left, and has left in an unknown direction. Such came into our tavern much, but soon this fellow really was reputable. It came to a tavern every day, and all time repeated a clan and its great principles. And soon he has achieved the, some fighters have joined it. Even I was interested by its enthusiasm. And I have dared to go too with it to look an eye at its work as heads of clan.
We went not long. Its lock stood at top of mountain of Kings. It has started to operate a clan as if Mozart playing a piano. Constantly went to the aid of inhabitants and soon even the clans which have rotted through by darkness began to recognise force of a new clan in which should the uniform marauder. All were magnificent fighters. Said that, the youth was born under a star of a dragon and it has received its force and courage. Every day in a clan became more and more young heroes. Soon it has officially registered the clan as fighting. Long over its name it was not necessary to think, after all to connect such words as: the good, valour, honour - can only "Kingdom" …
Join us, and you'll get excellent support in future warfare!
[Player banned by moderator Jedi-Knight until 2011-08-09 09:33:08 // Local Rules 6.1/6.4/6.5/Relapse]
The cost of entry - 7000 Gold
Voluntary tax 2,000 per month.
If you are intrested to join us, send your requests to our Recruiters or to the leader.
Requirements to enter the Kingdom:
1. Combat level: 7+;
2. Clear transfer log (IMPORTANT);
3. You must be ACTIVE player;
4. Lack of debts.

•china_blue99 90% repair for 110% cost.
•JasiN 70% efficiency smith. 75% from repair cost.
•Silk 50% efficiency smith: your donation to repair cost is appreciated.
•Illyok 40% efficiency smith. 20% from repair cost.
•Silk sells elements at 10% less than market price.
**Rent Master hunter and great hunter sets for clanmates to set new records in hunt for free.**
The cost of entry - 7000 Gold
Voluntary tax 2,000 per month.
If you are intrested to join us, send your requests to our Recruiters or to the leader.
Weapon enchanting Free 4x10% (just for needed elements) for for all clan members, who is staying in clan at least one month. (www1980)
Korzika weapon master 3x8%.
Charmel weapon master 2x5%.
Jewelcrafter: _Raven_ 6% jewelry enchantment and will pay 1000 gold per each %.
[Post deleted by moderator Jedi-Knight // By request of thread starter]
for BaJIepa:
Be patient until tomorrow dear.
And write in English!
The new clan leader - smswarez

In the nearest plans:
1. A set of heroes
2. Change a site clan
3. To get clan sets
Requirements for wishing to enter the Kingdom:
1. Combat level: 7+;
2. Clear transfer log (IMPORTANT);
3. You must be ACTIVE player;
4. Lack of debts.
I can tell you the results of the vote!
First place went to the gold icon, voted for him five Lords.
Second place went dark blue icon, voted for him four lord.
Third place went to the gray icon, voted for him two lord.
And also, on holidays, the clan will change its icon.
Valentine's Day, April 1, May 9, Halloween, Christmas + New Year!
Military clan is upgraded regular clan that has new features:
• Control areas on the maps
• Clan symbol before your name
• Possibility to participate in variety of events on military clan side (which gives a lot of privileges)
• Participation in future clan wars!
Welcome to join us.
Requirements to enter the Kingdom:
1. Combat level: 7+;
2. Clear transfer log (IMPORTANT);
3. You must be ACTIVE player;
4. Lack of debts.
No tax.
**Rent Master hunter and great hunter sets for clanmates to set new records in hunt for free.**
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