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41st Survival Tournament - lvl 15

Author41st Survival Tournament - lvl 15

1: 29 guardians/10 vamp count/44 swordmen/5 nightmares
2: 49 swordmen *4
3: 31 modern golem *2/ 72 liz club*2
4: 68 enchant garg *4
5: 92 modern golem *4
6: 36 rene thugs *2 / 1 archangel *2
7: 125 dryads *4
8: 5 archangel *2 / 26 clerics*2
9: 109 rene thugs *2 / 698 imps / 153 beholders
10. 159 evil eyes - 66 ancho - 159 wold raiders - 59 air element
11. 130 stonegnawers x 4
12. 147 mercenary warriors * 4
10. 159 evil eyes - 159 wolf raiders - 66 ancho - - 59 air element
13. 52 Royal griffins - 95 orc chiefs - 31 anglerfish - 292 bandits
14. 76 hydras * 4
15. 31 Crazed Trolls *4
16. 128 Vampire counts *2 - 693 Infected Zombi *2
Little correction:
9: renegade scouts *2/ 698 imps / 153 beholders
closed by Brilliant (2011-08-14 16:49:58)
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