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AuthorWizard faction: Stats, Talents, Tactics, Strategy
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link to the old topic: https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1899784&page=5
So my question is which is better at pvp magic wizard or magic de?

How would a wizard win a match like that?
for mageof10:
Well DE don't have troops with crazy HP + speed (like elemental gargs)
The wizard would probably just run away with his gargs, laugh at your tries to injure them with spells and zap away your fastest troops. ;)
Magic wizard has more health than a magic de, as well as magi/lorekeepers. Although de has piercing magic, its still not going to do as much damage to the gargs as the wizard will do. The only advantage for a de I can think of is elemental call, which isn't much of an advantage because the problem will be having enough mana, not the speed at which you can do damage. Also, if the wizard takes magical mirror, that's another significant advantage to the wizard.
Does anybody know how a level 3 wiz can beat a DE?
If you're talking about your 2v2: https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?lt=-1&warid=31350424

You had little chance to win; the barb played badly. Don't split golems; they are to slow to retal anything. Instead, split gargs. Don't use spells on big tanks such as minos; but, instead, rogues.

Against DE, never make lines of units; you'll just get spiked and all your single units will die.
Any advice on how to beat an Army of Barbarians {10}, Barbarians Brigands {6}, and Army of Dark Elves {9} at CL 7? The sheer number of enemy troops (especially those with high initiative) is starting to get a bit overwhelming.
It does get overwhelming; but it is part of the idea- you need to increase your level to beat them ;-) With that said, I beleive that you should start casting on any archer unit (especially barb brigands), run from wolves, intercept orcs with golems.. but it is tough
I think you can still do one more of the barb brigands by casting on orcs and cyclops first and running from wolves, as well as the army of dark elves.

For the army of dark elves, make sure not to waste your damage - it's better to have lots of small stacks than a few large stacks. For example, when there are 21 shrew stacks, use arrow on them to kill 14 shrews, instead of 11 or 7 shrew stacks. Also, for the first 2 attempts at least, change talents to advanced sorcery - mana recovery is useless because you won't get to cast much anyway.
Finally, use arrow on the stacks that can kill your gargs - for example, when you were cornered by poisoners, you should have hit 46 poisoners instead of minos and hydras.

Haven't seen the army of barbs yet. For future reference, its best if you include links to the combats so that we don't have to go hunting. For armies, at least a link to the relevant page in your combat log.
Any advice on how to beat an Army of Barbarians {10}, Barbarians Brigands {6}, and Army of Dark Elves {9} at CL 7? The sheer number of enemy troops (especially those with high initiative) is starting to get a bit overwhelming
you are just acting like ai does, this is why you are losin.
for army of de, kill the cornered poisoners and fly gargs into the hole, then all other enemies will be blocked out and only 3 stackes of poisoners can touch your gargs. this also suits for army of elves and army of knight.

I've got a little problem for maths friendly wizzies:
If I have 50% magic proof, how much dmg (%) will a DE with 25% pierce deal to garg with lightning (or fireball, or wathever)?
50% magic proof = useless. The DE will do 25% damage.
I'm not sure if I can back this up with evidence, but I'm quite sure it's the correct answer.
De with 25% piercin against 50% magic proof will do 62,5% damageDe with 25% piercin against 50% magic proof will do 62,5% damage
De with 25% piercin against 50% magic proof will do 62,5% damageDe with 25% piercin against 50% magic proof will do 62,5% damage
Yes, in usual situations, but not with fireball on garg...
Garg is already immune to ligtning and fireball so I think 50% magic proof = useless. The DE will do 25% damage. is correct
Sorry for double post.

Well, I have a log to check your vue, qulows:

Fireball on e.garg.
DE has faction lvl 3, ie 26% pierce. He has 21 SP, advance chaos and elemental call, wich ends up with 330 base dmg.
I have DE faction lvl 2, and 10% magic proof.

If I consider that my 10% proof are not taken in account:
330 * 0.26 = 85.8 (reduction by fire proof)
85.8 * 0.94 = 80.652, rounded at 81

So, you were right, qulows. Thanks for your reply :)

Well, another problem then. What if the spell is casted on senior genies? Final magic proof (with 50% proof and 50% proof of genies) must be 75%, and thus, final dmg, should be 25% + (75/4)% = 25 + 18.75 = 43.75%... Is it?
I am pretty sure you are correct, but the formula to calculate it is a little complicated, I'm not sure if you used this one or not:

1 - First magic proof, 2 - second magic proof and so on.

Final MP = (1 + 2 + 3) - (1*2 + 1*3 + 2*3) + (1*2*3)
For 4: Final MP = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) - (1*2 + 1*3 + 1*4 + 2*3 + 2*4 + 3*4) + (1*2*3 + 1*2*4 + 1*3*4 + 2*3*4) - (1*2*3*4) and so on.

This is the same as this algorithm:
Let x initially be 0.
Then for each magic proof MP:
Set x to x+(MP*(1-x))
The final value of x is the total magic proof.

So, for 50% and 50%:
x is 0.
Then, x is 0 + (0.5 * (1 - 0)) = 0.5
Then, x is 0.5 + (0.5 * (1 - 0.5)) = 0.75
So finally, 75% magic proof.

After magic proof is calculated, it is easy to find the final damage as you have done Slust.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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