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Dark Elf faction Stats, Talents, Stratergies etc.


AuthorDark Elf faction Stats, Talents, Stratergies etc.
hi this a new topic on darks

I wanna know that are poisoners better or hobs and shrews or wolf raiders I wanna mmake a final descion

Whether to be a barb for the rest of the game or dark elf
i also wanted reasons
Poisoners are only good for taking retal, for a mage de (even then minos are better), and for monsters with enormous defense (again, on higher levels other troops are better). You don't get many of them and their damage + initiative is not nearly as good as shrews. Hobs are good - high damage and not vulnerable to curse. Their weakness is that they have very low health. Still, hobs are way better than poisoners.

For shrews and raiders, it really depends. Shrews are great in hunts against slow creatures because of no retal and strike and return. However, in PvP they get killed very quickly, whereas wolves survive a bit longer (but not much longer). Wolves are also better against high ini creature hunts, because they do a huge amount of damage with their attack, while shrews don't do nearly as much. I would say that they are both useful in their own way.
It's like comparing apples and pears... Can't do it man. Each unit serves for it's purpose and I don't suggest you to decide for the faction according to which of those 4 units is "better". After all, if you are deciding for the rest of the game, you will get 7 different types of creatures, not only 2. Rather decide on the playing style these two factions offer.
I saw some past survival results and most of them state that barbs are much much better.
And in hunts its sought of a fir record in some barb are better and in some darks so I think i will chose barb.
I think barbs are better because of orc chefs and their blood lust not because of wolf or hobs. And I assure u knight dominate both these factions at higher lvl :)
What is the best recruiting for level 4 dark elf?

I personally liked max mino then rogue rest bandit

But for some hunts max rogue can be better
Q2 from me;

rate these on a scale from 1-10

How good are dark elves against shooters
how good against movers like wolf riders behemoths etc.
How good against magic
How good against slow movers ( max speed 5 )
How good against fast movers
There is little in common beetween barb and DE. Barb is the faction with the best range power, and "slow", but really powerfull melee units (you really won't want barb to hit you with full HP).

DE, instead, has almost no range power, but makes up because of better melee units than other factions. They can all hit multiple times or multiple stacks, out of shrews... And poisonners. But most DE don't use poisonners anyway.
and what about my question
very good against all of those :) 10!
i think dark elf is a bit good in strategy . They have shrews and powerful double striker Minotaur soldiers
shrews can attack from distance and can return back
the opponent cannot do tit for tat so they are best.
But DE has only one shooter (dark witch) and shrews will be perished by the second turn. So only choice left for a DE is to go for chaos magic but it mean lesser damage from troops though u can deal with enemies shooters from the first turn.
Chaos magic is good but after 1 or 2 dual enemy will change its tactice..
Mostly cases u take hydra+mino max in match & enemy shoter & mele units will kill them b4 there turn come.So De need to rely on poisoners & error by enemy to win.So at lvl 10 De quite powerless against others.As it dont hav ne survival unit like gargoyels.
But in LVL 11 there is a possibility to overcome this ( I will test it at LVL 11)
but barbs are better arent they?
See u cant say a fraction is better or best.. They all hav their strength & weakness.U hav to play according that.
Some fraction hav advantage at specific lvl against other fraction but thats temporery & U cant change ur fraction frequently for that.
probbly best info for decide which faction is best is here:

I think it may b more confusing as its reflect certain type of battle.

1 more thing this discussion may go out off topic ;) This is DE fraction thread not which fraction is best thread...
Barb is the faction with the best range power

You really think that??

Elves are the best shooters,GMBs and Ancho's. Barbs have only orcs,nothin compared to GMBs according to me
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