From skate3's profile...
i;m playing from chaos-witch and cross-master home plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz no block and drteo
now this is my second charadter sorry i am playing and skat3 and skate33 sorry for illegal transfers
skate10 is my friend and we sonetimes play from same pc plz no block as plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
also in the past i have many players like skate1,skate2,skate4,haosman2,devil-and and deathand plzzz
no block me
my first caracter is skate33 plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzno block him and me
also i am playing from skate10s pc plzzz no block
also sorry sometimes i have played from other pc like drteo,hiral,skate10 plz no block us plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
sorry i have the same witth skate33 but iwill forget and boread and i do this
A quick check of his transfer log shows numerous transfers between his characters over the past few days. |