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AuthorMarrige (>>Game<<)
I got bored so i made sumthing up..

You when marriage has its happy parts and bad parts?
Well THIS topic is to create a Marrige Story...

10 words per post.
Umm doubt it'll be any better than Acron's games...
It's NOT acron's game it's coolahed's. give the sad guy some credit.
Oh i forgot....
Example :

One day, (married couple names) ALSO COUNTS AS WORDS) went to the beach and blahblahblah.

Ok ill start..

One day, Nancy(male) and George(female) went to the dump for (continue..)
nothing. then they went on a "around the world" tour
It's NOT acron's game it's coolahed's
what bad it could possible bring else than financial problems^^
It's NOT acron's game it's coolahed's

this game is so confusing...
Wow!I thought kazuma was a old player!!He didn't know that I copied!

Well some how I am popular!!
lol ! topic #9 ! the most funniest thing ever ! XD
OMG This is B*****************************************************.

Btw no curse word is THAT long...

closed by KazumaYagami (2011-10-22 18:14:52)
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