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Hi guys

after some months I got an idea finally.

now what if we had a market guild.

it gives you points on buying items.
you get points like this-

the amount you spent
the number of items you buy

+ 1 point for every shopping you do in a day for eg-

1 point for 10000 gold spent.

and of course there will be best buyers who will buy things spending most money in a day.
and best sellers who slod most items.

if you feel its bad you are welcome to tell what the mistake is.

plz do tell the mistake
Every guild has it's bonuses (eg: 1 attack for every HG level). What is the bonus of this guild?
+1 if the points give advantages like +1 atk in HG guild as DragonEater said.
I don't find it logical to give merchants bonusses to fighting as big as +1 atk or similar. Actually there should be a penalty or just a shift of stats for merchants, since they spend their time at the marketplace with negociating instead of increasing their fighting experience in combat.

If you want this merchant-guild to have any effects on the game I would suggest the following:

merchants focus on defense, they want security at their trade routes.
So effects could be a shift of attack attribute to defense attribute, maybe with slight bonus at higher levels of the guild.
Merchant Guild level 1: -1 att, +1 def
Merchant Guild level 2: -2 att, +2 def
Merchant Guild level 3: -2 att, +3 def
Merchant Guild level 4: -3 att, +4 def


a decrease in the chance of them being ambushed by a thief and an ini-increase for one turn, since they are keen on protecting their belongings and are prepared for being ambushed.
Merchant Guild level 1: -1% ambush probability, +1 ini bonus for one turn
Merchant Guild level 2: -1% ambush probability, +2 ini bonus for one turn
Merchant Guild level 3: -2% ambush probability, +2 ini bonus for one turn
Merchant Guild level 4: -2% ambush probability, +3 ini bonus for one turn


each level of Merchant Guild shows the empress their trading skills and therefor they gain reputation at her yard which results in better market conditions. Aswell this could lead to a better reputation at the artifact shop and the production facilities (resource costs should not be rounded down in my eyes).
Merchant Guild level 1: 0% tax for successfull sales at market, 1% less costs for new artifact purchases
Merchant Guild level 2: 1% profit for successfull sales at market, 1% less costs for new artifact purchases
Merchant Guild level 3: 2% profit for successfull sales at market, 2% less costs for new artifact purchases
Merchant Guild level 4: 3% profit for successfull sales at market, 2% less costs for new artifact purchases


As merchant you build up a proper traderoute network, and therefor gain speed bonusses for travelling.
Merchant Guild level 1: 1% traveltime reduction
Merchant Guild level 2: 2% traveltime reduction
Merchant Guild level 3: 3% traveltime reduction
Merchant Guild level 4: 4% traveltime reduction

Of course these are just suggestions and any combination of any part-benefit can be effective in the final Guild.
Maybe even everything of this gets included, just with smaller amounts.

This stuff just came to my mind, so don't be shy to point out obvious imbalances which could appear.

a decrease in the chance of them being ambushed by a thief and an ini-increase for one turn, since they are keen on protecting their belongings and are prepared for being ambushed.
Merchant Guild level 1: -1% ambush probability, +1 ini bonus for one turn
Merchant Guild level 2: -1% ambush probability, +2 ini bonus for one turn
Merchant Guild level 3: -2% ambush probability, +2 ini bonus for one turn
Merchant Guild level 4: -2% ambush probability, +3 ini bonus for one turn
gud idea
As merchant you build up a proper traderoute network, and therefor gain speed bonusses for travelling.
Merchant Guild level 1: 1% traveltime reduction
Merchant Guild level 2: 2% traveltime reduction
Merchant Guild level 3: 3% traveltime reduction
Merchant Guild level 4: 4% traveltime reduction

I like this one the most. I know that it is 1-6 second we are talking here, but still, it sounds nice
Merchant Guild level 1: 1% traveltime reduction
Merchant Guild level 2: 2% traveltime reduction
Merchant Guild level 3: 3% traveltime reduction
Merchant Guild level 4: 4% traveltime reduction

+1 for it ;)
As merchant you build up a proper traderoute network, and therefor gain speed bonusses for travelling.
Merchant Guild level 1: 1% traveltime reduction
Merchant Guild level 2: 2% traveltime reduction
Merchant Guild level 3: 3% traveltime reduction
Merchant Guild level 4: 4% traveltime reduction

Merchant Guild level 1: 1% traveltime reduction
Merchant Guild level 2: 2% traveltime reduction
Merchant Guild level 3: 3% traveltime reduction
Merchant Guild level 4: 4% traveltime reduction

Yes I also like this idea over the combat ones, gives one something to work towards without it bieng totally nessecary

Well, since it's a Merchant Guild, perhaps each level could give you a small percentage of extra gold for every sale or purchase made via the market.

Perhaps 1% extra gold per Guild Level.

+1 .. :) also each Level we can post +1 more loot at market .. :) Max currently is just 3, so we can post 4, 5 and so on .. :) till the highest market guild level .. :)
but think instead of plus attack, defense or reduce time travel

we maybe can add a new section at the artifact shop
Example: diamond section

the point we get from market when we buy things or sell things we can spend the point at the diamond section use exchange some prize only can be buy using diamond.
I thought that they can awail free gifts from the points they get and at every market guild lvl they can avail only once.

so if every market guild they get prize they cud get free weapons or resources worth a particular sum of money

As merchant you build up a proper traderoute network, and therefor gain speed bonusses for travelling.
Merchant Guild level 1: 1% traveltime reduction
Merchant Guild level 2: 2% traveltime reduction
Merchant Guild level 3: 3% traveltime reduction
Merchant Guild level 4: 4% traveltime reduction

thats a good one tho the first one about minus att + def is quite bad
thats a good one tho the first one about minus att + def is quite bad

That depends on your faction. I'm sure Wizards might appreciate converting attack into defense. Also some defensive factions like Necro and Knight might like it too.

+1 Traveltime


something like every level gives you the permission to sell higher level artefacts. May it depends on the cl for the artefact.

Merchants lvl 0 can trade artes up to cl 3
Merchants lvl 1 can trade artes up to cl 5
Merchants lvl 8 can trade artes up to cl 16
-1 seems pointless!
+1 .. :) also each Level we can post +1 more loot at market .. :) Max currently is just 3, so we can post 4, 5 and so on .. :) till the highest market guild level .. :)

something like every level gives you the permission to sell higher level artefacts. May it depends on the cl for the artefact.

Merchants lvl 0 can trade artes up to cl 3
Merchants lvl 1 can trade artes up to cl 5
Merchants lvl 8 can trade artes up to cl 16

nice ideas :)


As merchant you build up a proper traderoute network, and therefor gain speed bonusses for travelling.
Merchant Guild level 1: 1% traveltime reduction
Merchant Guild level 2: 2% traveltime reduction
Merchant Guild level 3: 3% traveltime reduction
Merchant Guild level 4: 4% traveltime reduction

thats a good one tho the first one about minus att + def is quite bad

why is it bad? it even gives a few pure bonusses and That depends on your faction. I'm sure Wizards might appreciate converting attack into defense. Also some defensive factions like Necro and Knight might like it too.
is an important factor.

Aswell the traveltime reduction is bad too :O
save 1.2 secs of traveltime with each guild level ... not big, I guess that there are people here playing this game with 10 times as high lag so that they don't have any benefit of it ;)
guys lets not worry about prize.

Thats for admins to decide
How is this idea
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