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Author-539910 minutes
i've been away for awhile and the merc quest i undertook says i have -(negative)539910 minutes left to report back. wonder how long that is?
thats not possible.
When it becomes bigger than six months the quest is automatically finished without you returning to the mercernary outpost.

(at least that is what happened to me on .ru :D )
a little over a year, nice! :D
well maybe i just barely made it :p i have no idea how long 539910 minutes is but thats what it said. I at least finally finished it. so much for my completion bonus, lol.
hehe, i started writing before i saw mage's post. so, a whole year! Wow...and to think the only reason i stopped playing is because never noticed the 'inventory' option to equip artifacts on the right side of the character page. (PS3 wont let the window drop when you hold the pointer over 'character'.) what has two thumbs, missed a year of playing LWM and feels reeeeaaaal dumb? This guy!
yes, its (539 910 / 60) / 24 = 374,9375 days
maybe this it is possible here then.
But most important, welcome back =D
thanks Sven :) Quick question...was that last number a joke? like "Haha, you've been gone forever". Cuz it appears I've been gone for a lil over a million years according to the number of days you had me gone. Man and that air bender thought he missed alot. lol
closed by Lucid-Naz (2011-12-29 09:19:14)
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