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Authorfinancial assist between werty432 and PekpyT
01-09-12 12:49: Transferred 100 Crystals to werty432 : for 165 many
01-09-12 12:51: Received 16500 Gold from werty432
01-09-12 12:54: Transferred 100 Sulfur to werty432 : for 165 many
01-09-12 13:02: Received 16500 Gold from werty432 :
01-09-12 13:07: Transferred 100 Mercury to werty432 : for 165 many
01-09-12 13:06: Transferred 70 Gems to werty432 : for 165 many
01-09-12 13:08: Received 28000 Gold from werty432 :

all these resources cost at least 369 each, so the whole price should be 136.530 gold and NOT 61.000

werty432 has many other illegal transfer:
12-21-11 07:23: Received item(s): 'Master hunter shield' [10/10] from snickers12
12-21-11 07:22: Received item(s): 'Hunter boots' [10/10] from sincara321
12-21-11 07:22: Received item(s): 'Master hunter bone helmet' [10/10] from sincara321
12-16-11 09:39: Received item(s): 'Hunter boots' [10/10] from sincara321
12-16-11 09:28: Received item(s): 'Wooden sword' [7/7] from sincara321
12-16-11 09:27: Received item(s): 'Hunter hat' [10/10] from snickers12
12-15-11 08:48: Received item(s): 'Hunter pendant' [10/10] from snickers12
12-15-11 08:48: Received item(s): 'Hunter hat' [10/10] from snickers12
12-15-11 08:47: Received item(s): 'Hunter boots' [10/10] from sincara123
12-15-11 08:47: Received item(s): 'Wooden sword' [7/7] from sincara123
12-15-11 08:46: Received item(s): 'Hunter glove' [10/10] from snickers12
12-15-11 08:46: Received item(s): 'Hunter boots' [10/10] from snickers12
12-11-11 19:04: Sold item: "Wooden sword" [7/7] for 10000 gold to sincara321 as lot #2881120. Commission: 100
12-11-11 19:04: Sold item: "Wooden sword" [7/7] for 11000 gold to sincara123 as lot #2881119. Commission: 110
12-11-11 19:01: Sold item: "Hunter hat" [10/10] for 11000 gold to snickers12 as lot #2881116. Commission: 110
12-11-11 18:50: Received item(s): 'Hunter hat' [10/10] from sincara123
09-15-11 09:04: Received 2 Ore 2 Wood from sincara123 :
09-15-11 07:36: Received 2 Ore 2 Wood from snickers12 :
09-13-11 16:07: Received item(s): 'Hunter shirt' [10/10] from sincara321
09-13-11 06:23: Received item(s): 'Hunter hat' [10/10] from sincara321
09-13-11 06:23: Received item(s): 'Hunter boots' [10/10] from sincara321
09-13-11 06:23: Received item(s): 'Hunter glove' [10/10] from sincara321
09-13-11 06:21: Received item(s): 'Hunter shirt' [10/10] from snickers12
09-13-11 06:20: Received item(s): 'Hunter pendant' [10/10] from sincara123
09-13-11 06:20: Received item(s): 'Hunter broadsword' [10/10] from sincara123
09-13-11 06:12: Received item(s): 'Hunter hat' [10/10] from gahata3
09-12-11 08:39: Received item(s): 'Hunter pendant' [9/10] from gahata3
09-12-11 08:39: Received item(s): 'Hunter broadsword' [9/10] from gahata3
09-12-11 08:39: Received item(s): 'Hunter shirt' [9/10] from gahata3
09-12-11 08:39: Received item(s): 'Hunter glove' [9/10] from gahata3
09-12-11 08:38: Received item(s): 'Hunter boots' [10/10] from gahata3
09-12-11 08:28: Received 2 Ore 2 Wood from sincara321 :
09-12-11 08:03: Received 2 Ore 2 Wood from gahata2 :
08-07-11 10:35: Sold item: "Wooden sword" [7/7] for 12500 gold to snickers12 as lot #2623864. Commission: 125
08-07-11 10:34: Sold item: "Wooden sword" [7/7] for 17000 gold to gahata3 as lot #2623861. Commission: 170
08-07-11 10:31: Received 1000 Gold from snickers12 :
07-31-11 18:34: Sold item: "Wooden sword" [7/7] for 10000 gold to gahata3 as lot #2610449. Commission: 100
07-30-11 17:47: Received 1000 Gold from sincara123 :
07-30-11 17:46: Received 1190 Gold from gahata3 :
07-30-11 17:45: Received 2000 Gold from efka123 :
07-30-11 17:45: Received 5000 Gold from sincara321 :
07-29-11 16:55: Sold item: "Hunter broadsword" [2/10] for 4300 gold to gahata2 as lot #2606138. Commission: 43
07-29-11 16:53: Received item(s): 'Hunter broadsword' [2/10] from qwerty432
07-28-11 14:57: Received 1910 Gold from klopsik123 :
07-10-11 15:32: Received 10000 Gold from qwerty432 : long back
06-17-11 23:36: Received 2 Ore 2 Wood from kamilqwe :
06-15-11 12:54: Received 1400 Gold from kamilqwe :

player werty432:

transfer log:
many financial assist between 3 players:

Old: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4471369
transfer log: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4471369

The_First: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4307300
transfer log: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4307300

Kingsbaunty: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4300712

some example from Kingsbaunty's log:
05-27-09 15:19: Transferred 150000 Gold to The_First : for improving level, dude
07-24-09 08:50: Transferred 150000 Gold to The_First : 30%
04-11-10 10:51: Acquired item: "Sword of might [E10A10W10F10]" [1/79] for 400000 gold from BULCOS as lot #1424172
04-11-10 10:54: Transferred item(s): 'Sword of might [E10A10W10F10]' [1/79] to The_First
04-11-10 10:56: Transferred 130000 Gold to The_First : loan
04-12-10 09:36: Transferred 60000 Gold to Old :
04-24-10 09:44: Transferred 60000 Gold to Old : here u are; gift
06-17-10 16:07: Transferred 60000 Gold to The_First : debt per month
04-25-10 15:42: Transferred 48000 Gold to Old : for enchan
12-08-10 13:09: Transferred item(s): 'Unholy blackshard' [11/11] to The_First . Transaction price: 500 Gold, Commission: 5
01-10-12 07:15: Received item(s): 'Thief mask' [16/60] from The_First . Transaction price: 1 Gold
01-10-12 07:15: Received item(s): 'Thief amulet [W1]' [6/51] from The_First . Transaction price: 1 Gold
01-10-12 07:15: Received item(s): 'Thief armor' [17/60] from The_First . Transaction price: 1 Gold
01-10-12 07:15: Received item(s): 'Thief crossbow' [45/60] from The_First . Transaction price: 1 Gold
01-10-12 07:15: Received item(s): 'Thief crossbow' [20/60] from The_First . Transaction price: 1 Gold
01-10-12 07:15: Received item(s): 'Thief dagger [I4E3]' [41/59] from The_First . Transaction price: 1 Gold
01-10-12 07:15: Received item(s): 'Thief boots' [32/60] from The_First . Transaction price: 1 Gold
01-10-12 07:15: Received item(s): 'Thief amulet [F2]' [8/46] from The_First . Transaction price: 1 Gold
01-10-12 07:15: Received item(s): 'Beastbane band' [15/15] from The_First . Transaction price: 1 Gold
01-10-12 07:20: Received item(s): 'Thief ring' [46/60] from Old . Transaction price: 1 Gold
01-10-12 07:20: Received item(s): 'Thief cloak' [36/60] from Old . Transaction price: 1 Gold
01-10-12 07:23: Received item(s): 'Beastbane spear' [0/15] from Old . Transaction price: 1 Gold
some other illegal transfer from werty432:

01-01-12 17:56: Acquired item: "Reprisal sword" [7/40] for 10000 gold from bambus1 as lot #2928284
01-03-12 15:33: Received item(s): 'Sword of retribution' [31/40] to be returned until 04-01-12 15:33 ; for 1 battles from bambus1 . Transaction price: 20000 Gold
Illegal transfer between declared multi:

fahmi123456: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4892822
fahmi123: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4892276
sam sie na to zgodzil umowilismy sie na taka cene
[Player banned by moderator Queen_Amanda until 2012-01-11 16:25:50 // Forum rule 2.5 English only on the forums Warning]
3.14. rule violation:
3.14. There are limits for transfers intended as presents or loans. Maximum size of debt that can be owed to all other players in total is 20,000 * [Combat level] gold. The maximum term for loans is 1 month, unless the comments to the transfers state a shorter period.

This player:
chienthan85 https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4764259
log: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4764259

have just rapaid his loan:
01-11-12 12:53: Transferred 180000 Gold to necromancer85, Commission charged: 1800 : loan back
01-09-12 18:41: Transferred 78000 Gold to Darkelf85, Commission charged: 780 : loan back
01-09-12 18:39: Transferred 50000 Gold to elf86, Commission charged: 500 : loan back
01-09-12 18:37: Transferred 10000 Gold to DM86, Commission charged: 100 : loan back
but his limit is 240.000 gold and not 318.000

and often he rapays his loan after more than 1 month.
Here is one example from knight-85 transfer log: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4876206&page=1
10-08-11 09:02: Transferred 10000 Gold to chienthan85, Commission charged: 100 : loan
10-09-11 04:41: Transferred 20000 Gold to chienthan85, Commission charged: 200 : total loan 30k
10-09-11 05:44: Transferred 2000 Gold to chienthan85, Commission charged: 20 : loan back still loan 3k
10-12-11 21:22: Transferred 8000 Gold to chienthan85, Commission charged: 80 : total loan 40k
10-13-11 09:02: Transferred 15000 Gold to chienthan85, Commission charged: 150 : total loan 55k
10-14-11 16:01: Transferred 10000 Gold to chienthan85, Commission charged: 100 : total loan 65k
10-14-11 16:42: Transferred 5000 Gold to chienthan85, Commission charged: 50 : total loan 70k
10-16-11 22:11: Transferred 5000 Gold to chienthan85, Commission charged: 50 : total loan 75k

so from 8th to 16th of October, he recieved 75k gold as loan and he has rapaid it back only on 28th of December (over 2 months later):
12-28-11 21:41: Received 75000 Gold from chienthan85 : loan back
Unreturned loan from player:
alex112003 https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4411222
transfer log:

09-22-11 10:59: Received 36000 Gold from ivorelf : loan two weeks
12-07-09 13:15: Received 20000 Gold from Raf1313 : :)
12-03-09 22:10: Received 30000 Gold from Irexivon : loan good luck
12-02-09 23:08: Received 40000 Gold from mosquito : loan for 2 weeks
12-02-09 21:41: Received 30000 Gold from Irexivon : loan good luck
12-02-09 19:17: Received 30000 Gold from Lenuta : loan for 3 weeks
Many illegal activities between unsigned multies:

klear: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4838562
transfer log: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4838562

klear_1: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4850525
transfer log: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4850525

klear_2: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4851387
transfer log: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4851387

cleaner_1: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4853828
transfer log: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4853828

cleaner_2: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4855064
transfer log: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4855064

molecular: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4841649
transfer log: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4841649

molecular_de: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4845931
transfer log: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4845931

AP2: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4851699
transfer log: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4851699

ap3: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4855120
transfer log: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4855120

Here are some loans never given back from Klear's log:

07-19-11 17:24: Received 20000 Gold from AP2 : loan
07-19-11 17:14: Received 70000 Gold from AP2 : loan
07-18-11 16:40: Received 100000 Gold from AP2 : loan
07-14-11 06:04: Received 200000 Gold from klear_1 : loan
07-14-11 06:03: Received 150000 Gold from molecular_de : loan
07-14-11 06:00: Received 130000 Gold from cleaner_2 : loan
07-14-11 05:59: Received 140000 Gold from cleaner_1 : loan
07-14-11 05:58: Received 140000 Gold from ap3 : loan
07-14-11 05:57: Received 150000 Gold from klear_2 : loan
07-14-11 05:54: Received 80000 Gold from molecular : loan
07-14-11 01:18: Received 1000 Gold from molecular :
Illegal transfers between declared multies:

kaneriamayur: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4864967 (main)
transfer log: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4864967

kaneria_mayur: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4891517
transfer log: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4891517
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