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Author50th survival tournament result
for MilesTeg:
same happens here but this time I am first I feel like yeah it's worth it:)

Incentive prize is only given to top 10% which is I think fair.If we get more participants incentive will be given to more than 1 players
just always outside the prize money

my bad :(
though the lvl 7 one got a prize :)
for blazingarpit:
gratz on #1
saw ur battle well played..
i expected to be 3rd with knight ahh..
i guess i need to raise on my guilds for stronger troops
The third place, 6th lvl, dark elves. Not bad. And without shrews.
for niranjan2009:
well guilds are not that important than tactics I have lost to racial 7 knight a lot so do not hold back yourselves with just guild points you can still do it do not let go:)
Gold with necro lvl 7 with just 2 tries never thought i would get first expected second again....
1st lv 11 elf by a mile, unfortunately ;) btw I m second in lvl 11 elves
both the first and the second had crossbowmen and recruits I did not had both of them :P still came third
slightly frustrating, 10 participants in level 12 wizards, therefore incentive prize goes only to 1st place - he gets 25k for winning and 42k incentive. I am in second with 15k. Big difference. We need one more wiz please :)

Maybe it will be less frustrating to know this - even with 11 participants, the incentive prize will still go to the 1st place only. The top 10% who qualify for incentive prizes are rounded down; you need 20 participants for the 2nd place to receive incentive prize.
yeah I realised this when I saw someone elses post, I assumed it rounded up automatically for some mathematically unjustifed reason. I better strive that bit harder and bother with tactics a bit more to get that extra bit of money which I don;t use.
Was not gd for me
came 4th coz all three had upgrades and i didnt have :(
The most frustrating I believe is this situation:

Because the number of participants is less than 10, no one gets any incentive .. so for the second place player to get an incentive, there must be 20+ participants in the same faction level, for the third place player there must be 30+ participants ...etc
Yeah that sucks bad. So that money that is collected for incentive, magically disappears into the empire coffers. I guess with low numbers the incentive, well, doesn;t incentivise. On ru you can get the incentive prize pretty easily, say in duels you will get it for 13 wins or so, so it works there. However as per usual, a direct same rule here as there doesn;t mean ti will work here.
It's crazy on ru, I've seen players at 13th place get incentive, considering more than 130 play participated in the tournament
bad luck for those factions who had less than 10 participants but nothing magically diappears into the empire coffers, 5 players get the incentive on lvl 12 (210k was hole incentive, each of the 5 players got 42k)
closed by Brilliant (2012-01-25 16:24:39)
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