Author | Loans not repaid |
I loaned these players money and they haven't payed me back me 9000 me 7000 |
+ [Player banned by moderator Queen_Amanda until 2012-01-22 17:01:03 // bumping threads in CaA is not allowed] |
tnt will not give u back ur money...he would ih he could but he haz taken loans more then 100k its imposible for him to pay back.low lvl,no money and very bad at roulette [Player banned by moderator Queen_Amanda until 2012-01-26 16:25:28 // 3rd party comments in CaA are not allowed] |
hi [Player banned by moderator Queen_Amanda until 2012-01-26 16:26:16 // bumping threads in CaA are not allowd . off topic] |