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AuthorThe Admin is back!!
+ the stocks filled....
finally ...
time to expect some gr8 events coming up... thanks admin!!
Thx Admins
15days till valentine's day :D
the stocks filled

which stock?

which stock?

Mithril longsword and signet ring of might stocks in artshop were filled.
i didn't got my 4300
is DE bug fixed?
so can they now bring the last lordswm theme back because we have the christmas theme and its goin to be eassterrr,,,,,,
we got easter theme?
no but the christam have past about a month now and i think we hace something but not sure
i hope the festive potion stays...
ALELUJA ADMIN!Give us new tournaments,like in ru.

02-01-12 07:20: Player blocked. // fraud (Destf), multiple characters management rules violation/password transfer
02-01-12 07:19: Transferred item(s): 'Thief boots' [40/60] to Destf
02-01-12 07:19: Transferred item(s): 'Thief armor' [25/60] to Destf
02-01-12 07:19: Transferred item(s): 'Thief mask' [25/60] to Destf
02-01-12 07:18: Password changed by Lexa.
01-31-12 23:23: Transferred item(s): 'Thief crossbow' [21/59] to Destf . Transaction price: 35000 Gold, Commission: 350
Wow i can't believe my eyes...
Yes, Lexa was online this morning. But I was hoping for more then just some banns...I think we all were hopping for more.
02-01-12 07:20: Player blocked. // fraud (Destf), multiple characters management rules violation/password transfer
02-01-12 07:19: Transferred item(s): 'Thief boots' [40/60] to Destf
02-01-12 07:19: Transferred item(s): 'Thief armor' [25/60] to Destf
02-01-12 07:19: Transferred item(s): 'Thief mask' [25/60] to Destf
02-01-12 07:18: Password changed by Lexa.

lexa went the players inventory n transferred the weapons..
man.. destf is really lucky ..
profit + saved from a big loss!!
Hopes, hopes... It is the last thing to die even in this half-dead game:)
Hopes, hopes... It is the last thing to die even in this half-dead game:)

The game has been steadily "dying" since it started. It's the same old song, really. But then all games are "dying" in one way or another, no exceptions. It "died" for me once before. For some players it's not just "half-dead", it's "dead beyond any hopes of resurrection." And it's kinda weird how some continue playing even though they think it's "dead." Must be some weird case of necrophilia. XD
Takesister is back too :)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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